Title: Perfect for Halloween Pokémon Center Plushies
A new news article has been posted!
As a follow-up to the
POKÉMON Spooky Party, the official Japanese Pokémon website has announced that three more Halloween themed plushies will go on sale in September at the Japanese Pokémon Centers. The
Perfect for Halloween! (ハロウィンにぴったり!) plushies also tie in with the Pokémon White Mega Gengar Campaign (ポケモン 白いメガゲンガーキャンペーン).

Mega Gengar/White Mega Gengar - 2,000 yen each - September 13th, 2014 (September 20th, 2014 on Amazon Pokémon Store for Normal Mega Gengar)

Bakeccha Plushie - 1,200yen - September 6th, 2014 (September 13th, 2014 on Amazon Pokémon Store)