Title: New Nintendo 3DS Pokémon Themes: Mega Lizardon Y / Mega Rayq...
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Two new Nintendo 3DS Pokémon Themes are available to purchase on the Nintendo eShop. The themes cost 200yen or //media.pocketmonsters.net/news/2319/.99 USD.
Pokémon Mega Lizardon Y / Mega Rayquaza (ポケモン メガリザードンY・メガレックウザ)
Features: The Mega Charizard Y and Mega Rayquaza theme showcases the amazing Legendary Pokémon in their Mega-Evolved forms. Music:Pokémon League (ポケモンリーグ)
Pokémon Eevee Collection: Espeon & Umbreon (ポケモン イーブイコレクション エーフィ&ブラッキー)
Features: Displays the silhouettes of the Dark-type and Psychic-type Evolutions of Eevee.. Music:Game Sync (ゲームシンク)