Title: POKÉMON with YOU Pikachu - Sendai Earthquake 5th Anniversary...
A new news article has been posted!
To commemorate the
5th Anniversary of the Sendai Earthquake, Yahoo! in association with POKÉMON with YOU are distributing a
Pikachu to those that donate towards the fundraising campaign to help continue to support the activities of the children affected by the disaster. Players of
X, Y,
Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire are eligible to receive this
Players that donate between March 11th, 2016 until March 31st, 2016 will receive a serial code to get this
Pikachu which can be received from March 11th, 2016 until April 21st, 2016. It knows the moves
Hold Hands,
Return and
Play Nice and is holding a Sweet Heart.
Korea Pokémon XY&Z Zygarde
Pokémon XY&Z TV anime series will begin airing on Tooniverse in South Korea on March 23rd, 2016. To celebrate the premiere, a
Zygarde will be distributed at the
Korean League 2015-16 Birth of a Hero (코리안리그 2015 -16 ~ 영웅의 탄생 ~) held at the Gangnam Monaco Space, March 19th and 20th, 2016 from Noon until 6:30PM both days to players of
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
Zygarde is level 100, has the Ability
Aura Break and know the moves:
Land's Wrath,
Extreme Speed,
Glare and