Title: Movie 20 Website Updates with Info on Manga Adaptation Seria...
A new news article has been posted!
The official Pokémon movie website has updated. Translations follow:
A Comic Adaptation of the Movie's Story "Pocket Monsters the Movie: I Choose You!" is Starting Serialization at Shogakukan's Manga App "Manga One"!
The story of "Pocket Monsters the Movie: I Choose You!", which premieres Saturday July 15th 2017, is being turned into a manga!
The serialization on Shogakukan's comic app "Manga One" will start prior to the movie's premiere,
on midnight Sunday July 2nd!
The serialization of a massive depiction of everything from Satoshi and Pikachu's meeting,
up to the last touching scene, will finally begin.
Go here for further information:
©Nintendo・Creatures・GAME FREAK・TV Tokyo・ShoPro・JR Kikaku
©Pokémon ©2017 Pikachu Project ©Ryo Takamisaki/Shogakukan