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09 Apr 2019 03:15 PM
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A new news article has been posted!
Niantic has announced that 2 new features will be coming to Pokémon GO in a update soon: Lucky Friends and avatar poses.

Lucky Friends and avatar poses! Let’s GO!

Trainers, We have some exciting updates coming to Pokémon GO to give you even more ways to play and customize your journey!

Lucky Friends
When you are Lucky Friends with someone, the next time you trade with each other, both Pokémon will become Lucky Pokémon!

How do you become Lucky Friends? Once you become Best Friends, you will have a chance to become Lucky Friends! You will have this chance once per day when you and your Best Friend trade Pokémon, open a Gift from each other, team up in raids and Gym battles, or challenge each other to a Trainer Battle.

How do I know if my Best Friend is now a Lucky Friend? Similar to when you level up your friendships, you and your Best Friend will receive a notification when you have become Lucky Friends. You’ll also be able to see that they’re your new Lucky Friend in your Friend List and on their friend profile page.

After completing the trade, your Lucky Friend status will return to Best Friend status. Don’t worry, Trainers—by doing the same steps, you can try to become Lucky Friends again!

Avatar Poses
Ready to stand out at the Gym or on your Friend List? We are introducing avatar poses that will allow you to customize how your Trainer is posed on your Trainer profile, in the Friend List, in raid lobbies, in Gyms, and in battle previews. Once you acquire an avatar pose, it will be available on your account for both male and female Trainer avatars.

Thanks for continuing to adventure with us, Trainers. We are excited to bring you new customizations and features for the game. Happy exploring!

Source: https://pokemongolive.com/en/post/marchupdate2019/