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13 Dec 2019 04:20 PM
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The official Japanese Pokémon Trading Card Game website has announced the details for the Zacian + Zamazenta Box (ザシアン+ザマゼンタBOX) which will be released in Japan on December 27th, 2019. Exclusive Zacian and Zamazenta cards will be included in this box set. It will cost 1,500 yen plus tax.

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Zacian + Zamazenta Box Details:

・ 27 cards
・ 6 Pokémon (4 types), 6 trainers (3 types), 15 basic energy cards
・ 3x Sword Booster Packs
・ 3x Shield Booster Packs
・ Tin Box

Source: https://www.pokemon-card.com/info/2019/20191213_002222.html