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27 Apr 2020 04:40 PM
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A new news article has been posted!
Pokémon Masters Update 1.9.0 is now out and new features have been added to the game including: a new Egg feature, new single-player features and a Daily Scout. Our Pokémon Masters patches page has been updated with the details of this update.


Pokémon Masters - Update 1.9.0

A new version of the app has been released today. Please update your app to the latest version. Note: Changes will be reflected after updating to Ver. 1.9.0 or higher. The exact time the update becomes available may differ for each player. Please try again later if the update is not applied.

Update Details

  • Added a new Egg feature. Note: Check out the separate notice for more information.
  • Added new single-player features. Note: Check out the separate notice for more information.
  • Added a Daily Scout that can be used once a day at no cost. Note: Check out the separate notice for more information.
  • Made a change so that the icons of duplicate sync pairs obtained via sync pair scout can be viewed on the Results screen.
  • Made a change so that battle rewards are displayed on the Area Details screen.
  • Reward Boost Tickets have been added. Reward Boost Tickets can be used in certain areas to increase the amount of completion rewards and battle rewards obtained. Note: Check out the upcoming notice for more information about which areas they can be used in.
  • Made a change so that the Optimize feature can be directly selected from the battle preparation screen of areas with three-player teams.
  • Made a change so that an optimized team based on the area's recommended types can be formed automatically on the battle preparation screen as well as the Edit Team screen.
  • The Level Up Sync Moves option, which increases the damage and effectiveness of sync moves and increases the attack power of moves, has now been renamed to Level Up Moves to better represent the aforementioned features.
  • The Increase Potential section of the Team menu has been changed to Potential & Move Level. This screen can now be used to increase a sync pair’s number of ★s as well as level up their moves.
  • You can level up a sync pair’s moves by going to the Team menu and selecting Potential & Move Level, and then pressing the Level Up Moves button.

    When you acquire a sync pair that you have already teamed up with through methods such as the sync pair scout, their move level can be raised to a maximum of 5.

    Note: Once a move reaches its level 5 max, you’ll receive a ★ power-up with the same number of ★s as the duplicate sync pair instead.

    To coincide with this change, Move Candy, which are items used to level up moves, have been added.
  • Made a change so that the role and weakness type names are displayed when the corresponding icons are tapped on the sync pair details screen.
  • Adjusted Battle Villa co-op battle rewards and applied a restriction to the number of plays available per day.
  • The sync orb chance feature has ended.
  • Made other minor changes for consistency and text fixes.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements have been implemented.
Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Update_2040_1W_1

New Single-Player Features Added!


Note: Changes will be reflected after updating to Ver. 1.9.0 or higher. The exact time the update becomes available may differ for each player. Please try again later if the update is not applied.

New Tactics Feature

You can now change the order that your opponents will target your team members in single-player battles by changing your tactics in the Edit Team menu! By mastering the use of tactics, you can have your more resilient sync pairs targeted first to protect your other sync pairs, opening up a wide range of different strategies.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Update_2040_1W_3

New Egg Feature!


A new Egg feature has been added! Note: Changes will be reflected after updating to Ver. 1.9.0 or higher. The exact time the update becomes available may differ for each player. Please try again later if the update is not applied.


Pokémon hatch from Eggs. Eggs hatch after you have completed a certain number of areas. You can give nicknames to the Pokémon you hatch from Eggs as well as form a sync pair together and take them into battle. Three types of Eggs will appear in this update. There are plans to add various other Pokémon Eggs in the future, so keep an eye out for them!


Raising the affinity of Pokémon hatched from Eggs makes them more powerful. Affinity can be raised by giving Berry Tarts.


  • The 1★ Berry Tart and 2★Berry Tart will be obtainable outside of the Exchange Items General category in a future update.
  • A 3★ Berry Tart, which is required to raise the affinity of a Pokémon beyond level 3, will added in a future update.
  • The content is subject to change without notice.
Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Update_2040_1W_2

Daily Scout Available Now!


A new Daily Scout feature has been added! You can perform a daily scout once per day at no cost to obtain various items and sync pairs.


April 26, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - May 31, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.


  • Items obtained via the daily scout go directly into your Bag.
  • The daily scout can be used once a day.
  • The daily scout is reset every day at 11:00 p.m.
  • The lineup of sync pairs obtainable through the daily scout will be refreshed periodically.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.
Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Update_2040_1W_4
Last edited 27 Apr 2020 04:43 PM by Sunain