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08 May 2020 09:11 AM
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A new news article has been posted!

The producer of Pokémon Master Yu Sasaki posted an open letter about the game on the Pokémon Master's official website. The letter addresses the upcoming changes to the game including a Legendary Arena and setting a Maximum Number of playable battles per day.

A Message from the Pokémon Masters Team (Vol. 10)

Greetings, Trainers. We’re the producers of Pokémon Masters, Yu Sasaki and Tetsuya Iguchi, here with a new message for you. This time, we’re excited to share details about the Legendary Arena, new features, and future updates.

New Updates to Tactics and Team Optimization

Have you been making use of the new Tactics feature we introduced in April’s update? With Tactics, you can control the order in which opponents will target your team members in single-player battles.

By using this feature to protect vulnerable sync pairs, you can now battle with an extra layer of strategy. We hope you find this feature useful in the Battle Villa and upcoming Legendary Arena.

We’ve also updated the team optimization setting to be even better at assembling the best sync pair lineups for you. Use it along with Tactics to create a strategically sound team all at once.

Legendary Arena

The Legendary Arena’s battle parameters are completely new to Pokémon Masters. The Legendary Arena is scheduled to open mid-June, and the first battle will be against Entei.

The Battle Villa and the Legendary Arena are similar in that you’ll be able to use multiple teams to battle, but in the Legendary Arena, the number of sync pairs that can join battles in a single day is greater.

Your opponent in the Legendary Arena boasts a lot of HP, and as its HP decreases, its attack patterns and status condition resistances will change.

This means that different sync pairs will excel during different parts of the battle. For the first Legendary Arena challenge, we recommend preparing your Water-type sync pairs.

Plans to Improve Existing Features

We’ve received feedback regarding the amount of time required to train sync pairs. Since training requires multiple items and only so many items can be obtained in a single battle, Trainers must complete the same battles several times.

In order to streamline this process and provide a better balance of time spent to rewards earned, we are revising this system.

  • Reduce time spent battling for items
  • Reorganize battles that reward items
  • Set a maximum number of playable battles per day
Here’s a breakdown of what each improvement entails.

Reduce Time Spent Battling for Items

We’re implementing adjustments to sync pairs that join your team. This includes having them start with unlocked level caps up to a certain level and access to all of their moves and passive skills.

We’re also introducing an item that’ll allow you to skip battles while still getting their rewards.

Currently, sync pairs need to be trained to a certain degree for Trainers to fully enjoy challenging battles. The items required to do this can take time to obtain, so our goal is to streamline the training process so everyone can focus on enjoying exciting battles.

Ultimately, we want to reduce the need to auto-battle to obtain items.

Reorganize Battles That Reward Items

We’re considering organizing battles according to what items they award (items for level cap unlocking, items for leveling up, Evolution materials, sync orbs, and so on).

Set a Maximum Number of Playable Battles per Day

We’re setting a limit on the maximum number of battles that can be played in one day. This limit wouldn’t apply to all battles—only to those that are for obtaining items to strengthen sync pairs (the Battle Villa and other battles with matching, such as co-op, would not be affected).

To balance things out, we’ll drastically increase the number of items that can be acquired in one battle.

Under this new system, you’ll be able to decide which battles to prioritize.

With these adjustments, we hope to make the training experience much more efficient.

We’re always working hard to deliver updates and improvements that make the world of Pokémon Masters as fun as possible.

We prioritize Trainers’ feedback throughout the development process, so don’t hesitate to let us know what you think.

What to Expect in the Next Message

As we approach our first anniversary, we’re working on a major update that also includes additional improvements to existing features.

We’ll give you all the latest information in our next message, scheduled for late May.

Until next time, thank you for playing Pokémon Masters.

Pokémon Masters Producer: Yu Sasaki
Operations Producer: Tetsuya Iguchi

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Other_2040_2W_1