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11 Jun 2020 09:14 AM
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A new news article has been posted!
DeNA has announced that a Legendary Arena: Entei has been added, New Main Story Chapters have been added and there is a Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass, The Isle of Armor log-in bonus.

Legendary Arena: Entei Newly Added!


Legendary Arena: Entei Available Now! Legendary Arena: Entei is a brand new battle area that has just been added today! You can complete the related missions to earn Medals that can only be obtained here!


June 10, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - June 24, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.

Legendary Arena Details

The Legendary Arena is a special battle area where you can form multiple teams and take on the challenge using a set number of sync pairs. Each difficulty level has a maximum number of sync pairs that can participate. Sync pairs that have already participated cannot do so again until the challenge has been reset.

Strategically form teams for each Legendary Arena challenge and take on the boss!


You can earn Medals and other completion rewards that are only available during this Legendary Arena challenge period! Check the Missions screen to learn more!

Note: For more details about missions, tap the Mission Completion Rewards button displayed on the Legendary Arena difficulty selection screen.


  • To attempt Legendary Arena missions, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 2: Defeat Team Break! (Normal) in single-player.
  • To learn more details about the Legendary Arena, tap the Information button on the main Legendary Arena screen.
  • While Legendary Arena missions will also be displayed on the General missions screen, they cannot be attempted outside of the challenge period.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Event_2055_3W_1

About the Legendary Arena

The Legendary Arena is a special battle area where you can form multiple teams and take on the challenge using a set number of sync pairs. Each difficulty level has a maximum number of sync pairs that can participate. Sync pairs that have already participated cannot do so again until the challenge has been reset.

The Legendary Arena features multiple difficulty levels. Completing a lower difficulty will allow you to attempt the next one. You can earn rewards by dealing a certain amount of damage to a boss during battle, as well as by completing missions. See if you can complete all of the difficulty levels!

Carried-Over Opponent Stats
In the Legendary Arena, your opponent’s remaining HP and status conditions, etc. are carried over until the challenge is reset. A boss’s attack patterns and other moves will change after you deal a certain amount of damage to them.

Special Parameters
There are special parameters for every battle in the Legendary Arena. These special parameters can be found on the Area Details screen.

Arena Rewards
Arena rewards can be obtained from the Legendary Arena and can be viewed by tapping the Arena Rewards icon. Medals and damage rewards are obtainable as arena rewards.

You can acquire them by completing the specified missions.
Damage Rewards
These can be acquired by dealing a certain amount of damage to a boss. Damage rewards are comprised of first-time rewards and battle rewards. First-time rewards can only be acquired once. Battle rewards can be acquired after each reset.

Mission Completion Rewards
You are rewarded for completing all the missions in the Legendary Arena. Check the Missions screen to learn more!

Once you have started a Legendary Arena challenge, you cannot attempt any others until the challenge is reset. The information below is reset.

  • Current challenge status
  • Ally participation count
  • Your opponent’s HP and status conditions
  • Damage reward progress

Tap the Reset button to reset.

Auto Reset
Your progress will be automatically reset after a week has elapsed since you last attempted the Legendary Arena.

Quitting / Deleting Interrupted Play Data
Deleting play data from a quit game or interrupted play data in Legendary Arena battles will revert you to your status prior to participating in a battle.


  • To attempt Legendary Arena missions, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 2: Defeat Team Break! (Normal) in single-player.
  • Check out the separate notice for more information about the Legendary Arena challenge period.
  • While Legendary Arena missions will also be displayed on the General missions screen, they cannot be attempted outside of the challenge period.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Event_2055_3W_2

New Main Story Chapters Added!


New chapters have been added to the Main Story! A Main Story Support Log-In Bonus will also be available to celebrate the Main Story additions.

Log-In Bonus Details

  • Day 1: Gems ×100
  • Day 2: Gems ×100
  • Day 3: Gems ×100
  • Day 4: Gems ×100
  • Day 5: Gems ×100
  • Day 6: Gems ×100
  • Day 7: Gems ×100


June 10, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - June 17, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.


  • To unlock these new story chapters, you must complete Chapter 24 in the Main Story.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those you can actually obtain.
  • The content is subject to change without notice.
  • To claim log-in bonuses, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • Log-in bonuses are sent to your Present Box.
  • Log-in bonuses can only be claimed during the specified time period.
  • Log-in bonuses sent to the Present Box can only be claimed for a limited period of time.
  • Log-in bonuses can only be claimed once per day.
  • Up to 7 log-in bonuses can be claimed.
  • Log-in bonuses are reset each day at 11:00 p.m.
  • If you are already logged in, you will need to return to the Pokémon Center and claim them from your Present Box.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Update_2050_3W_1

Double Feature Spotlight Scout

Increased chance to scout Sygna Suit Grimsley and Sygna Suit Elesa! Double Feature Spotlight Scout under way! Featuring 5★ Sygna Suit Grimsley & Sharpedo and 5★ Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom! Featured sync pairs have a higher chance of appearing than non-featured 5★ sync pairs. The sync grids of 5★ Sygna Suit Grimsley & Sharpedo will be expanded upon their release.

About Sygna Suit Grimsley & Sharpedo

Surf’s up with Grimsley, sporting a new sygna suit, as he overwhelms opponents with fierce attacks!

About Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom

Elesa serves up a sygna suit look as she lends her teammates a hand with their sync moves!


June 10, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - June 24, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.


  • The sync pairs featured in this sync pair scout may also appear in future sync pair scouts.
  • To unlock the sync grid, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 11: Alola’s Rising Stars: Part 2 (Normal) in single-player.
  • Sync pairs other than the ones mentioned above may appear.
  • Please note that you cannot have two or more sync pairs that include Trainers with the same name in your team. Example: Brock & Onix and Sygna Suit Brock & Tyranitar
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.
  • To check the available sync pairs and their respective offering rates, go to the Offering Rate section on the Sync Pair Scout screen.
  • Please read the Notes section under Offering Rate on the Sync Pair Scout screen before using the feature.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Scout_2050_3W_1

Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass, The Isle of Armor log-in bonus


Part 1 of the Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass, The Isle of Armor, is coming soon!

To celebrate, #PokemonMasters will have a log-in bonus! This is your chance to stock up on training items like Gym Leader Notes, co-op sync orbs, and more!

Source: https://twitter.com/PokemonMasters/status/1270762655268122624
Last edited 11 Jun 2020 09:17 AM by Sunain