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26 Jul 2020 08:05 AM
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A new news article has been posted!
Niantic has announced that Pokémon GO Fest 2020 has been taken over by Team GO Rocket in certain parts of the world as part of the day two festivities.

Pokémon GO Fest 2020 has been taken over by Team GO Rocket in certain parts of the world!

Trainers, We really thought that Team GO Rocket’s balloon take-over during our fourth-anniversary celebration was going to be their last take-over this year, but alas...they’re back. This time, it seems they’ve set their villainous sights on taking over our biggest event—Pokémon GO Fest! We’d like to thank the Pokémon GO team in the Asia-Pacific region and Trainers from around the world for alerting us to this development.

Between on-the-ground investigations and Trainer reports, we’ve managed to confirm the following information. For all Trainers, regardless of whether you have a Pokémon GO Fest 2020 ticket, keep your eyes peeled for the following during the take-over…
  • You’ll be able to use a Charged TM to let your Pokémon forget the attack Frustration and learn a new attack. We noticed that this seems to be possible only for a limited time during Team GO Rocket’s take-overs. We will be investigating this strange phenomenon further.
  • The confetti from the first day’s festivities will be replaced by Team GO Rocket confetti!
  • Battle the Team GO Rocket Leaders! We’ve received reports that point to them having the following Shadow Pokémon on their teams.
    • Sierra: Beldum, Houndoom, and Zapdos
    • Cliff: Pinsir, Tyranitar, and Articuno
    • Arlo: Mawile, Scizor, and Moltres
  • We also heard that Giovanni will have a new lineup during the take-over and that you'll be able to rescue Shadow Persian after defeating him!

Pokémon GO Fest 2020 ticket holders, Professor Willow is calling on you for help. It takes a certain level of villainy to launch a plan of this scale during our biggest celebration of the year. Let’s put a stop to Team GO Rocket! Open Pokémon GO on Sunday, July 26, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. local time to access the following.
  • The GO Fest 2020: Rocket Straight to Victory Special Research will be available. Help Professor Willow and the team leaders defeat Team GO Rocket and take back Pokémon GO Fest 2020! Some of you might recall that the professor mentioned yesterday that he was feeling a great energy that filled him with hope and determination. We’re still wondering where this energy came from and whether it has anything to do with this turn of events...
  • As you complete the GO Fest 2020: Rocket Straight to Victory Special Research, you’ll encounter Pokémon that can help you defeat the Team GO Rocket leaders!
  • More Team GO Rocket balloons will be appearing in the skies, and more Team GO Rocket Grunts will be capturing PokéStops!
  • Earn twice the Stardust and Mysterious Components when you defeat Team GO Rocket Grunts (both at PokéStops and in balloons)
  • The Global Challenge Arena and Virtual Team Lounge have been vandalized by Team GO Rocket!
  • Reports indicate some unwanted guests are appearing in attendees’ snapshots. Be sure to show us what you find with #GOsnapshot!
Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Until we can all meet again in the same park and under the same sky...let’s GO and show Team GO Rocket who’s boss!

Source: https://pokemongolive.com/en/post/pokemongofest2020-day2/