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20 Oct 2020 03:00 PM
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A new news article has been posted!
Niantic has announced that different Pokémon are now hatching from Eggs in Pokémon GO.

Get to eggs-ploring, and see which Pokémon are now hatching from Eggs!

Trainers, Egg-cellent work! Thanks to your efforts in helping with Professor Willow in his research, we’ve determined that as the seasons change, different Pokémon are hatching from Eggs. Here’s what we’ve learned.
  • The following Pokémon are now hatching from Strange Eggs: Larvitar, Absol, Sandile, Scraggy, Trubbish, Pawniard, Vullaby, and Deino.
  • Different Pokémon are hatching from 2 km, 5 km, and 10 km Eggs. Please note that Pokémon that appear in the wild only in specific regions will hatch only from Eggs obtained in those regions.
    • The following Pokémon are now hatching from 2 km Eggs: Zubat, Poliwag, Cubone, Magikarp, Mareep, Wooper, Snubbull, Volbeat, Illumise, Wailmer, Swablu, Buizel, Buneary, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, and Minccino.
    • The following Pokémon are now hatching from 5 km Eggs: Machop, Farfetch’d, Seel, Voltorb, Lickitung, Kangaskhan, Tauros, Eevee, Pineco, Heracross, Corsola, Ralts, Aron, Torkoal, Feebas, Tropius, Clamperl, Relicanth, Mime Jr., Chatot, Hippopotas, Carnivine, Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, Pachirisu, Blitzle, Roggenrola, Maractus, Gothita, Solosis, and Bouffalant.
    • The following Pokémon are now hatching from 10 km Eggs: Shinx, Gible, Riolu, Audino, Timburr, Darumaka, Sigilyph, Emolga, Ferroseed, Klink, Elgyem, Litwick, Axew, Golett, and Rufflet.
  • Different Pokémon are hatching from the Eggs you receive as a part of your Adventure Sync rewards! Get to eggs-ploring to find out which Pokémon they are.
Unfortunately, Team GO Rocket is going to keep hatching diabolical plans—and that includes stealing and messing with Strange Eggs! Be sure to keep up the hard work in defeating the Team GO Rocket Leaders and saving those Eggs.

Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Upcoming events are subject to change.

Source: https://pokemongolive.com/post/egg-changes-2020