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10 Nov 2020 06:04 PM
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Known as a big fan of Pokémon, and responsible for both the opening and ending theme of the TV anime "Pokémon Sun & Moon", Taiiku Okazaki produced the theme song for the film version of the anime for the first time in his career. Pokémon the Movie: Coco, will be released on December 25th and for the first time in the history of Pokémon movies, it will be released in the winter. The Pokémon movies are now it their 23rd year.

Taiiku Okazaki produced the main theme and all six theme songs for the film. It's the first time for a Pokémon movie to use multiple songs by a single artist in a film. Some of the songs written by Taiiku Okazaki for this film feature famous artists as vocalists who he believes are appropriate for the scenes in the film.

In addition to his own songs, Tortoise Matsumoto and other splendid artists will participate in the main theme Really Mysterious Creatures. Also, four of the theme songs from the TV anime "Pocket Monsters Sun & Moon" are included as bonus tracks. Notebook of the Heart and Your Adventure are available on CD for the first time!

CD Details: Pocket Monsters the Movie Coco Theme Song Collection [Regular Edition] CD+DVD Details: Pocket Monsters the Movie Coco Theme Song Collection [First Press Limited Edition with DVD]

Artists of Coco:

All the artists participating in the film's music production and the artist singing the opening and ending themes have been revealed! The opening theme "Coco", which shows Zarude's joy at Coco's growth, is sung by Beverly, a singer-songwriter from the Philippines. After starting her career in Japan in 2017, Beverly, who has been involved in many drama theme songs and commercial songs since she started her career in 2017, colors the opening of the film with her amazing voice!

The ending theme "I'm Home, Welcome Back" is sung by Kaela Kimura (木村カエラ), who has the ability to sing in a wide range of genres from pop to rock, and she continues to capture the hearts of her fans with her high message. The ending, which is sung with a clear singing voice this time, protrays with the love between mother and child which is depicted in the film.

The director of the film, Tetsuo Yajima, wrote the lyrics for the film himself and SiNRiN will sing the theme song "Song of the Law" and the "Hum of the Forest", will be performed by the Hino City Tokyo Nanamidori Public Elementary School Choir (東京都日野市立七生緑小学校合唱団), which has won the gold medal for seven consecutive years in the "NHK National School Music Competition for Elementary School Students". They have also provided beautiful harmonies for TV series, and other performances.

A complete collaboration CD album featuring the songs from the movie, will be released on December 23rd, 2020!

Song List:

1. Song of the Law featuring vocalist by SiNRiN
2. Coco (OP theme) featuring vocalist by Beverly
3. Show Window featuring vocalist Taiiku Okazaki
4. Hum of the Forest featuring the Hino City Tokyo Nanamidori Public Elementary School Choir
5. Really Mysterious Creatures (Main Theme) featuring vocalist Tortoise Matsumoto
6. I'm Home, Welcome Back (ED theme) featuring vocalist Kaela Kimura


Okazaki Physical Education (岡崎体育) - "I was a boy who loved Pokémon and I was excitedly watching "Mewtwo Strikes Back" at the movie theater with my school friends. More than 20 years have passed and that boy who loves Pokémon, realized that he was now involved and working on the movie. There was a lot of pressure and anguish, but the joy of working with director Yajima and the other wonderful staff and artists always pushed me forward. I hope that in the future, some of the children who see this film will have the same amazing experience that I had."

岡崎体育 - 学校の友達と映画館で『ミュウツーの逆襲』をワクワクしながら観てたポケモン大好き少年の僕。 20年以上の時が経ち、ポケモン大好き少年は気がつくと映画に携わる側になるというふしぎな体験をしています。 プレッシャーや苦悩もありましたが、矢嶋監督をはじめ、 素晴らしいスタッフやアーティストの方々と一緒に作品を作っているという喜びがいつも僕の背中を押してくれました。 将来、この映画を観た子どもたちの中に、僕みたいなふしぎな体験をする子がいてくれることを願って。

Kaela Kimura (木村カエラ) - "The song "I'm Home, Welcome Back" was written by Okazaki and it is a really warm and gentle song. When I was recording it, my heart was racing and I cried. 'Okazaki-kun is a guy, but it's amazing.' I thought. Also, this is the ending song for my favorite Pokémon movie. I'm happy, very happy. Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to seeing it at the movie theater with my kids."

木村カエラ - 岡崎くんが作ってくれた、"ただいまとおかえり"は、本当に暖かくて優しい曲です。 レコーディングの時、心が震えて泣いてしまいました。岡崎くんは男の人なのに、すごいね。って本当に思いました。 そして、大好きなポケモンの映画のエンディング曲。うれしくてうれしくて。本当にありがとうございます。 私も映画館で子ども達と一緒に観れるの楽しみです。

Tortoise Matsumoto (トータス松本) - "I've always thought of Taiiku Okazaki as interesting. So when he asked me to sing for him, I immediately accepted. Then I found out that it was a song for Pokémon, and it made me happy. I went to the studio and tried my best to live up to Mr. Okazaki's expectations, thinking, "Oh, I see, that's why you called me here." I think all the fathers in the world will be brought to tears by Mr. Okazaki."

トータス松本(ウルフルズ) - 岡崎体育君は前からおもしろいと思っていた。 だから、歌ってくれと頼まれてすぐ引き受けた。そしたらポケモンの、グッとくる歌だった。そうかなるほど、おれを呼んでくれたのはそういう訳だったのかと、張り切ってスタジオへ行って、なるべく岡崎君の期待に添えるように頑張った。世のお父ちゃんはみんな、岡崎君に泣かされると思います。

Beverly - "When I was a kid, my family would watch Pokémon together over breakfast to start the day. Everyone in my family loved Pokémon, and it was the anime that inspired me to learn about Japanese entertainment. So when I got this offer, my heart was filled with emotion. I'm happy to give back by singing a song for the Pokémon anime which help teach me about Japanese culture. With that in mind, I'm doing my best to sing the opening theme song "Coco" written and composed by Physical Education Okazaki, so please look forward to it!"

Beverly - 子供の頃、朝ごはんをたべながら家族揃ってポケモンを見て、1日が始まりました。 家族みんなポケモンが大好きで、私が日本のエンタテインメントを知るきっかけとなった、本当に身近に感じられるアニメでした。 なので、このお話をいただいたとき、嬉しさ以上に感動で心がいっぱいになりました。 私に日本の文化を教えてくれたアニメポケモンの曲を歌うことで、恩返しできたら嬉しいです。 今回、大好きな岡崎体育さんに作詞作曲していただいたオープニングテーマ「ココ」をそんな気持ちで精一杯歌ってますので、ぜひ楽しみにしていてください!

Source: https://www.pokemon-movie.jp/song/