Home / Forums / News/Current Events / Pokémon GO - January 2021 Community Day - Machop
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21 Dec 2020 04:01 PM
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Niantic have announced the details for the Pokémon GO January 2021 Community Day which will feature Machop.


Rising to the challenge of January Community Day is none other than Machop!

Trainers, When you get knocked down, you just have to get back up. Despite losing out on the chance to be featured in last February’s Community Day, Machop, the Superpower Pokémon, never gave up. That resilience has paid off, because Machop will star in the upcoming January Community Day—and you can be sure it’ll make the most of it!

Date + Time
Saturday, January 16, 2021, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time

  • Machop will be appearing more frequently in the wild. If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny one!
  • Evolve Machoke during the event or up to two hours afterward to get a Machamp that knows Payback.
  • Take a few snapshots during Community Day for a surprise!
  • There’ll be a special one-time-purchase Machop Community Day Box available for 1,280 PokéCoins, featuring an Elite Charged TM, four Incense, four Star Pieces, and 30 Ultra Balls.
  • For US$1 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency), you’ll be able to access the Machop Community Day–exclusive Special Research story, Straight to the Top, Machop! Remember, Trainers—if you purchase a ticket for the Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto event by Wednesday, January 13, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. PST (GMT −8), you’ll get this Special Research story for free!
Stay tuned for when tickets for the Straight to the Top, Machop! Special Research story go live! Tickets are nonrefundable (subject to applicable law and the exceptions set forth in the Terms of Service). Please note that this Special Research will not include an in-game medal.

  • 3× Catch Stardust
  • Incense activated during the event will last for three hours
Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Upcoming events are subject to change.

Source: https://pokemongolive.com/post/communityday-jan21/?hl=en
Last edited 21 Dec 2020 04:03 PM by Sunain