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15 Jan 2021 02:10 PM
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Matsukazeya is releasing a Pokémon Valentine Chocolates Collection! Pokémon is a favorite of children and adults alike and it is now available in chocolate! The lineup includes tins with various Pokémon designs, lunch boxes, clear pouches, and more for after consumption. They will being being sold in Japan at department stores nationwide starting on January 5th, 2021. High resolution pictures of the products have been added to an Imageboard thread.

PV-1 Choco Set S (Pokémon)


PV-1 チョコセットS(ポケモン)
648 yen including tax (600 yen)
5 pieces
The Pikachu and Eievui chocolates are cute! There's also Metamon and Monster Ball.

PV-2 Choco Set L (Pokémon)


PV-2 チョコセットL(ポケモン)
1,404 yen including tax (1,300 yen)
11 pieces
Chocolates are packed in a tin with various Pokémon designs!

PV-3 Petit Bag (Pokémon)


PV-3 プチバッグ(ポケモン)
715 yen (tax included)
5 pieces
Each bag comes with an acrylic key ring of Pikachu and Eievui as an extra.

PV-4 Magnet Can Set (Pokémon)


PV-4 マグネット缶セット(ポケモン)
1,100 including tax (1,000 yen)
6 pieces
Crunchy chocolates in a can with a magnet!

PV-5 Sweet Clear Pouch (Pokémon)


PV-5 スイートクリアポーチ(ポケモン)
1,320 yen including tax (1,200 yen)
6 pieces
Crunchy chocolate is in a clear pouch with various Pokémon designs on it.

PV-6 Chocolate Set with Slide Case (Pokemon)


PV-6 スライドケース付きチョコセット
880 yen including tax (800 yen)
46g 9 pieces
This is a must-have product for fans of Eievui and its evolved Pokémon! The extra slide cans are cute, too!

PV-7 Lunch Box Set (Pokémon)


PV-7 ランチボックスセット(ポケモン)
1,650 yen including tax (1,500 yen)
9 pieces
A cute lunch box with Pikachu, Eievui and Nyarth riding on the back of Kairyu.

Sources: http://www.matsukazeya.co.jp/syouhin/event/v-pokemon.html and https://www.pokemon.co.jp/goods/2021/01/210108_fo02.html