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15 Mar 2021 11:06 AM
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A new news article has been posted!

The producer of Pokémon Master Yu Sasaki posted an open letter about the game on the Pokémon Master's official website. The letter addresses the upcoming changes to the game including: Diantha & Gardevoir Debut, Latias Comes to the Legendary Arena, Addition of Chapter 28 to the Main Story, and more!

A Message from the Pokémon Masters EX Team (Vol. 19)

Greetings, Trainers. We’re the producers of Pokémon Masters EX, Yu Sasaki and Tetsuya Iguchi, here with a new message for you.

How did you like the festivities from our 1.5 Year Celebration? Our goal is to keep delivering content like the popular Blissful Bonanza! in late March—and an update to the main story in early April—so we hope you continue to enjoy playing Pokémon Masters EX.

We have even more things in the works as well, and today we’ll share info with you about updates that will take place between mid-March and mid-April.

Legendary Event: New World Dilemma Returns

The New World Dilemma legendary event returns today. You can team up with Cyrus & Palkia in this event, so give it a go if you haven’t yet. Also, Cyrus & Palkia’s sync grid has been expanded. If you’ve already teamed up with them, try training them even more.

Story Event: Shining Heart of Dragons

The Shining Heart of Dragons story event will begin on March 17, 2021.


At the same time, Iris (Champion) & Hydreigon will appear in the sync pair scout. Iris (Champion) & Hydreigon are a tech sync pair that have two moves that attack all opponents: Breaking Swipe and Snarl. Breaking Swipe lowers all opponents’ Attack, and Snarl lowers all opponents’ Sp. Atk. Also, their move Three Heads! raises their Attack and critical-hit rate and makes move gauges accelerate on the allied field of play. With these moves combined, Iris (Champion) & Hydreigon can boost their firepower while weakening the opponent.

On top of that, the power of their sync move, Triple Threat Dragon Rush, increases the more the opponent’s stats are lowered, so Iris (Champion) & Hydreigon can use Breaking Swipe and Snarl to put a damper on the opponent’s offense and then unleash a decisive blow!

Blissful Bonanza!

The Blissful Bonanza! will begin on March 21, 2021. In the Blissful Bonanza!, you can collect valuable items that you can exchange for 5★-Guaranteed Scout Tickets, lucky scrolls, lucky cookies, and more. Each battle can only be challenged once per day, so be sure to take them on daily.

Fairy- and Normal-Type Egg Event

The Fairy- and Normal-Type Egg Event will begin on March 24, 2021. This time, you’ll be able to get Eggs that can hatch Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Porygon.

6★ EX Unlocked for Barry & Piplup

On March 28, 2021, the wait will finally be over, as the second-place finisher of last year’s 6★ EX Sync Pair Poll Rally, Barry & Piplup, will get 6★ EX unlocked.

Diantha & Gardevoir Debut


Diantha & Gardevoir will make their debut in the sync pair scout in late March. Diantha & Gardevoir are a Fairy-type strike sync pair that are capable of attacking both single opponents and all opponents.
This unique sync pair has a passive skill that increases the amount of move gauge slots moves use (compared to other sync pairs with the same moves) but also powers up those moves.

They can use Dire Hit + to sharply raise their critical-hit rate and their exclusive move Time to Shine! to sharply raise their Sp. Atk and Sp. Def.

Also, using their sync move will cause Gardevoir to Mega Evolve into Mega Gardevoir, which increases their moves’ power even more. By making good use of their moves, you’ll be able to deal a lot of damage with this sync pair.

Latias Comes to the Legendary Arena

Also in late March, Latias will arrive in the Legendary Arena. Dragon- and Fairy-type moves are super effective against Latias, so Iris (Champion) & Hydreigon and Diantha & Gardevoir will pack extra punch in this battle. Strategy tips will be available when the arena opens, so give them a look if you find the battle challenging.

Story Event: Pasio Eggsplorers

The Pasio Eggsplorers story event will begin in early April. This story event is unique in that you’ll be able to acquire Eggs that hatch Pokémon. To coincide with the event, two sync pairs in seasonal attire will appear, so we hope you look forward to their reveal.

Start of the Unova Challenge in the Champion Stadium

The Champion Stadium’s Unova Challenge will also begin in early April. Both Alder and Iris have been Champions of the Unova region, so you’ll be able to face either one of them in the Unova Challenge depending on the week.

Addition of Chapter 28 to the Main Story

Chapter 28 will be added to the main story in early April. We’re now less than six months away from the second anniversary in late August, which is when the main story is scheduled to be completed. We hope you enjoy the exciting conclusion. We’re also now working on a unique new story that will be added to Pokémon Masters EX after the main story is complete. You won’t want to miss it.

Story Event: Trials on the Isle

The Trials on the Isle story event will begin in mid-April. At the same time, sync pairs from the Alola region will come to Pasio. More details will be available when the event arrives, so stay tuned.

What to Expect in the Next Message

Our next message is scheduled for late April. In it, we plan to discuss upcoming content from late April to mid-May. We also aim to tell you about our plans for a new type of event that’s unlike any other seen in the game before, so we hope you look forward to it.

We’re always working hard to deliver updates and improvements that make the world of Pokémon Masters EX as fun as possible.

Until next time, thank you for playing Pokémon Masters EX.

Pokémon Masters EX Producer: Yu Sasaki
Operations Producer: Tetsuya Iguchi

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Other_3020_3W_1