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14 Jun 2021 04:43 AM
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Two new Pokémon Utility Hole Covers, or PokéLids (Pokéfuta ポケふた) have been unveiled in Tokyo on June 14th, 2021! They feature four different Pokémon including: Chigoras, Sohnano, Yajilon, and Dohmirror. They were unveiled at the National Museum of Nature and Science and they were installed in front of the National Museum of Nature and Science and the Tokyo National Museum. The one in front of the National Museum of Nature and Science depicts Chigoras and Sohnano while the one in front of the Tokyo National Museum depicts Yajilon and Dohmirror. High resolution pictures and artwork from the press release have been added to an Imageboard thread.


Each PokéLids is an original design and each is unique. The PokéLids will continue to be installed for years to come. More than 150 PokéLids have been installed already in locations throughout Japan and they will serve as an opportunity for many people throughout Japan and around the world to learn about the charms of Pokémon and the locations the lids are installed at.

The PokéLids that are installed will gradually become PokéStops for the location-based game Pokémon GO for smartphones.

Sources: https://twitter.com/Pokemon_cojp/status/1404287505772466176