Home / Forums / News/Current Events / Pokémon Center - Plushie Bead Cushions and Mascots...
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25 Jun 2021 06:44 AM
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On Saturday, July 3rd, 2021, plushie bead cushions and mascots that make you want to hug them will appear at the Pokémon Center! The round Pikachu, Yadon, and Pochama bead cushions are chunky and comfortable to the touch, making them perfect for hugging! The mascots are also beaded and soft to the touch. The Pokémon Center Online will start selling them from 10:00 a.m. on July 1st, 2021! An even larger size bead cushion will also be available at the Pokémon Center Online, so be sure to check them out!


At the Amazon.co.jp Pokémon Store, pre-orders for products with a (★) will be starting on July 3rd, 2021, and sales starting on July 10th, 2021, but due to the limited number of products available, they may be sold during the pre-order period.


Item List (English):

All Pokémon Centers, Pokémon Stores and the Pokémon Center Online
Plushie Bead Cushion Squeeze Pikachu - 3,960 yen (★)
Plushie Bead Cushion Squeeze Yadon - 3,960 yen (★)
Plushie Bead Cushion Squeeze Pochama - 3,960 yen (★)
Plushie Bead Mascot Squeeze Pikachu - 1,210 yen (★)
Plushie Bead Mascot Squeeze Yadon - 1,210 yen (★)
Plushie Bead Mascot Squeeze Pochama - 1,210 yen (★)

Pokémon Center Online Only
Big Plushie Bead Cushion Squeeze Pikachu - 11,000 yen
Big Plushie Bead Cushion Squeeze Yadon - 11,000 yen
Big Plushie Bead Cushion Squeeze Pochama - 11,000 yen

Item List (Japanese):

<ポケモンセンター・ポケモンストア 全店・ポケモンセンターオンライン共通>
ぬいぐるみビーズクッション「むぎゅっとピカチュウ」 3,960円(★)
ぬいぐるみビーズクッション「むぎゅっとヤドン」 3,960円(★)
ぬいぐるみビーズクッション「むぎゅっとポッチャマ」 3,960円(★)
ぬいぐるみビーズマスコット「むぎゅっとピカチュウ」 1,210円(★)
ぬいぐるみビーズマスコット「むぎゅっとヤドン」 1,210円(★)
ぬいぐるみビーズマスコット「むぎゅっとポッチャマ」 1,210円(★)

おっきいぬいぐるみビーズクッション「むぎゅっとピカチュウ」 11,000円
おっきいぬいぐるみビーズクッション「むぎゅっとヤドン」 11,000円
おっきいぬいぐるみビーズクッション「むぎゅっとポッチャマ」 11,000円

Source: https://www.pokemon.co.jp/goods/2021/06/210625_to01.html
Last edited 25 Jun 2021 06:45 AM by ForumBot