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25 Jun 2021 08:29 AM
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The third plushie line in the I Choose You! Get Pokémon Plushies (キミにきめた!ポケモンゲットぬいぐるみ) set is now available! This time there are eight new plushies: Darkrai, Crecelia, Glacia, Leafia, Dedenne, Lizardon, Naetle and Numera. Together with the popular first and second sets, there are 32 types in the lineup! The fluffy texture and plastic eyes are the highlights. Find your own partner, and let's go on an adventure! Pictures of the plushies have been added to an Imageboard thread.

Product Details:

Distributed by: Takara Tomy Arts
Release Date: Thursday, July 29th, 2021
Price: Glacia, Leafia, Dedenne, Naetle and Numera - 1,990 yen each
Darkrai, Crecelia, Lizardon - 2,990 yen each (include tax)

Source: https://www.pokemon.co.jp/goods/2021/06/210625_ap01.html