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20 Jul 2021 04:51 AM
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DeNA has announced that the Story Event Summer Superstars and the Steven and Lyra Seasonal Scout will take place from July 19th, 2021 at 11:00 p.m. until August 2nd, 2021 at 10:59 p.m. in Pokémon Masters EX.

Story Event Summer Superstars


Story Event: Summer Superstars is back! Enjoy the Sync Pair Music Festival with Steven and Lyra all decked out for summer!

Event Details

Story Event: Summer Superstars is an event where you can obtain story areas and items by progressing through the event map.

Obtain Items Using Travel Tokens


Travel tokens can be obtained by participating in event battles. Use the travel tokens you have obtained to move throughout the event map and acquire the items along the way. Use travel tokens to collect items and head toward your destination!

Advance Through the Event Maps


Reach checkpoints to view the story and progress to the next event map. You can obtain new areas and items as you progress through the event map. There is no limit to how many maps you can advance through, so collect as many items as you can.

Event Map Items


The items below can be obtained in the event maps featured in this event.

  • 5★-Guaranteed Scout Ticket
  • Skip Ticket
  • Support Move Candy Coin
  • Co-op Sync Orb

And more! Some items obtainable in this event have a limited quantity.

Lineup Bonuses

You can earn bonus travel tokens if you have specific sync pairs in your lineup to battle in the areas in this event. The more of the specified sync pairs you include in your team, the more bonus travel tokens you will earn!

Applicable Sync Pairs
  • Steven (Summer 2020) & Sandslash: Travel Tokens ×1.6!
  • Lyra (Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff: Travel Tokens ×1.6!
  • Steven & Metagross: Travel Tokens ×1.4!
  • Lyra & Chikorita: Travel Tokens ×1.4!
  • Player Character & Pikachu: Travel Tokens ×1.2!
  • Player Character & Torchic: Travel Tokens ×1.2!

Note: Although the sync pairs featuring unevolved Pokémon are listed here, the evolved versions of those sync pairs also apply.
Note: Sync Pairs with Pokémon that were hatched from Eggs are not applicable for lineup bonuses.

The lineup bonus is ×1 by default and varies according to which sync pairs are on the team.
Example 1: If you place a ×1.6 sync pair and a ×1.2 sync pair on your team, you will receive ×1.8 the number of travel tokens.
Example 2: If you place a ×1.6 sync pair and a ×1.6 sync pair on your team, you will receive ×2.2 the number of travel tokens.

Full-Force Battles

In Full-Force Battles, you can obtain event medals by meeting set conditions, such as completing battles. You can try to obtain all of the event medals!

Event Missions

You can take on special missions during the event period. Check the Missions screen to learn more!


July 19, 2021 at 11:00 p.m. - August 2, 2021 at 10:59 p.m.


  • To participate, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those you can actually obtain.
  • When the event ends, leftover travel tokens will be converted into coins (10 coins per travel token) and sent to your Present Box.
  • All mission completion rewards must be claimed within three days of the mission period ending.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Event_3060_4W_1

Steven and Lyra Seasonal Scout


Increased chance to scout Steven (Summer 2020) and Lyra (Summer 2020)! Steven and Lyra Seasonal Scout under way! Featuring 5★ Steven (Summer 2020) & Sandslash and 5★ Lyra (Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff! In this sync pair scout, you can use the daily discount for only 100 paid gems per scout up to 3 times per day. You can also receive up to 15 Custom ★ Power-Ups for both 5★ Steven (Summer 2020) & Sandslash and 5★ Lyra (Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff depending on how many times you scout them using this sync pair scout!


5★ Steven (Summer 2020) & Sandslash and 5★ Lyra (Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff can now be raised to 6★ EX in conjunction with this sync pair scout.


About Steven (Summer 2020) & Sandslash

Steven is ready to chill in his summer outfit! Use his sync move to make it start hailing!

About Lyra (Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff

Lyra is back in her summer outfit! Her sync move can put opponents to sleep!

Sync Pair Scout + Present!

Receive the following items as presents according to the number of times you obtain 5★ Steven (Summer 2020) & Sandslash and 5★ Lyra (Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff from this sync pair scout!

1 Time(s)
  • Acquired sync pair's Custom ★ Power-Up ×3
2 Time(s)
  • Acquired sync pair's Custom ★ Power-Up ×3
3 Time(s)
  • Acquired sync pair's Custom ★ Power-Up ×3
4 Time(s)
  • Acquired sync pair's Custom ★ Power-Up ×3
5 Time(s)
  • Acquired sync pair's Custom ★ Power-Up ×3


July 19, 2021 at 11:00 p.m. - August 2, 2021 at 10:59 p.m.


  • 5★ Steven (Summer 2020) & Sandslash and 5★ Lyra(Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff are seasonal sync pairs.
  • Seasonal sync pairs are sync pairs that only appear for a limited time during seasonal sync pair scouts.
  • There is a possibility that they will appear in future seasonal sync pair scouts as well.
  • Sync pairs other than the ones mentioned above may also appear in the seasonal sync pair scout.
  • To upgrade to 6★ EX, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • You will not receive the presents if you obtain 5★ Steven (Summer 2020) & Sandslash and 5★ Lyra (Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff outside of the scout period.
  • The applicable presents will be sent to you upon obtaining 5★ Steven (Summer 2020) & Sandslash or 5★ Lyra (Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff during the scout period.
  • You will not receive any additional presents if you obtain 5★ Steven (Summer 2020) & Sandslash and 5★ Lyra (Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff from this sync pair scout more than the specified number of times during the scout period.
    Note: Presents will be sent to the Temp Storage section of the Present Box.
  • Please note that you cannot have two or more sync pairs that include Trainers with the same name in your team.
  • Featured sync pairs have a higher chance of appearing than non-featured 5★ sync pairs.
  • The number of times the daily discount (100 paid Gems per scout) can be used is reset each day. Reset Time: 11:00 p.m.
  • To check the available sync pairs and their respective offering rates, go to the Offering Rate section on the Sync Pair Scout screen.
  • Please read the Notes section under Offering Rate on the Sync Pair Scout screen before using the feature.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/BSearch_3060_4W_1