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23 Apr 2022 11:39 AM
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23 Apr 2022 11:40 AM
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Saito from Jungle Pocket spins around as training to get the hang of the roulette wheel?! And Hikaru-chan tries Pokémon Mezastar for the first time!
Also improve yourself with Timon D: The Pokémon Baseball Toss Game

Improve yourself with baseball comedians Timon D: The Pokémon Baseball Toss Game! It's just like being the main character in one of the video games?! Can you control your toss well as if you're catching Pokémon with a monster ball?
We'll also have the latest Pokémon video game news!

Ryogo Matsumaru
Hikaru Takahashi
Shoko Nakagawa (voice of Koccar)
Guests: Shinji Saito (from Jungle Pocket), Hiroyuki Takagishi (from Timon D), Yuta Maeda (from Timon D) and Pikachu