Pokémon Red
In autumn spawning season, they can be seen swimming powerfully up rivers and creeks. |
Pokémon Blue
In autumn spawning season, they can be seen swimming powerfully up rivers and creeks. |
Pokémon Stadium
あきには たまごを うむために かわを さかのぼって ゆく。ほかの きせつは じぶんの すを つくって すんでいる。 |
Pokémon Stadium
In the autumn, they travel up rivers to spawn. In other seasons, they make and live in their own nests. |
Pokémon Yellow
It is the male's job to make a nest by carving out boulders in a stream using the horn on its head. |
Pokémon Gold
During spawning season, Seaking gather from all over, coloring the rivers a brilliant red. |
Pokémon Silver
Using its horn, it bores holes in riverbed boulders, making nests to prevent its eggs from washing away. |
Pokémon Ruby
In the autumn, Seaking males can be seen performing courtship dances in riverbeds to woo females. During this season, this Pokemon's body coloration is at its most beautiful (state). |
Pokémon Sapphire
SEAKING is very protective of its eggs. The male and female will take turns patrolling around their nest and eggs. The guarding of eggs by these POKeMON goes on for over a month. |
Pokémon Emerald
It punches holes in boulders on stream- beds. This is a clever innovation that prevents its eggs from being attacked or washed away by the current. |
Pokémon LeafGreen
In the autumn spawning season, they can be seen swimming powerfully up rivers and creeks. |
Pokémon FireRed
The horn on its head is sharp like a drill. It bores a hole in a boulder to make its nest. |
Pokémon Pearl
To protect its family, it will fight with its drill-sharp horn. It lives in hollowed rocks in streams. |
Pokémon Diamond
It makes its nest by hollowing out boulders in streams with its horn. It defends its eggs with its life. |
Pokémon Platinum
In autumn, its body becomes more fatty in preparing to propose to a mate. It takes on beautiful colors. |
Pokémon HeartGold
During spawning season, SEAKING gather from all over, causing rivers to appear a brilliant red. |
Pokémon SoulSilver
Using its horn, it bores holes in riverbed boulders, making nests to prevent its eggs from washing away. |
Pokémon White
In autumn, its body becomes more fatty in preparing to propose to a mate. It takes on beautiful colors. |
Pokémon White
あきになると プロポーズのため からだに あぶらが のってきて とても きれいないろに へんかする。 |
Pokémon Black
In autumn, its body becomes more fatty in preparing to propose to a mate. It takes on beautiful colors. |
Pokémon Black
あきになると プロポーズのため からだに あぶらが のってきて とても きれいないろに へんかする。 |
Pokémon Black 2
In autumn, its body becomes more fatty in preparing to propose to a mate. It takes on beautiful colors. |
Pokémon Black 2
あきになると プロポーズのため からだに あぶらが のってきて とても きれいないろに へんかする。 |
Pokémon White 2
In autumn, its body becomes more fatty in preparing to propose to a mate. It takes on beautiful colors. |
Pokémon White 2
あきになると プロポーズのため からだに あぶらが のってきて とても きれいないろに へんかする。 |
Pokémon X
Pendant la saison des amours, on peut le voir nager dans les rivières et les lacs. |
Pokémon Y
Con il suo corno, perfora le rocce sul letto dei fiumi per farsi il nido. Difende le uova a costo della vita. |
Pokémon Y
Hace su nido en los agujeros que cava con el cuerno. Defiende sus huevos con su vida. |
Pokémon Y
Il niche dans des rochers du ruisseau qu’il évide avec sa corne. Il donnerait sa vie pour ses Œufs. |
Pokémon Y
머리의 뿔로 강바닥에 있는 돌을 파내어 둥지를 만든다. 알을 목숨 걸고 지킨다. |
Pokémon Y
Es baut Nester, indem es Steine im Fluss mit seinem Horn aushöhlt. Es verteidigt seine Eier mit dem Leben. |
Pokémon Y
あたまの ツノで かわぞこにある いわを くりぬいて すを つくる。 タマゴを いのちがけで まもる。 |
Pokémon Y
It makes its nest by hollowing out boulders in streams with its horn. It defends its eggs with its life. |
Pokémon X
In autunno, quando si riproduce, può essere visto risalire impetuoso fiumi e torrenti. |
Pokémon X
En otoño, cuando se reproducen, se les puede ver nadando con energía por ríos y arroyos. |
Pokémon X
Im Herbst, zur Paarungszeit, sieht man diese Pokémon kraftvoll Bäche und Flüsse hinaufschwimmen. |
Pokémon X
あきが くると さんらんの ために ながれに さからって ちからづよく かわを およぐ すがたが みられる。 |
Pokémon X
In the autumn spawning season, they can be seen swimming powerfully up rivers and creeks. |
Pokémon X
가을이 오면 산란을 위해 힘차게 강물을 거슬러 올라가며 헤엄치는 모습을 볼 수 있다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Seaking protegge gelosamente le sue uova. Il maschio e la femmina si danno il cambio attorno alla tana e alle uova. Le uova vengono sorvegliate per oltre un mese. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
가을이 되면 암컷에게 프러포즈하기 위해 강바닥에서 춤추는 수컷을 볼 수 있다. 몸의 색이 가장 아름다운 계절이다. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
In autunno, i Seaking maschio sono soliti corteggiare le femmine con particolari danze rituali. In questa stagione il corpo di questi Pokémon assume una colorazione particolare. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
En otoño, se ven ejemplares de Seaking macho danzando en las riberas de los ríos para cortejar a las hembras. En esta época, la coloración de este Pokémon alcanza sus niveles máximos de belleza. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
En automne, on peut voir les Poissoroy mâles effectuer des danses nuptiales dans les rivières pour plaire aux femelles. C’est pendant cette saison que le corps de ce Pokémon prend ses plus belles couleurs. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Im Herbst kann man männliche Golking dabei beobachten, wie sie Balztänze in Flussbetten aufführen, um die weiblichen Exemplare zu beeindrucken. Während dieser Zeit ist die Farbe dieser Pokémon am schönsten. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
あきに なると メスに プロポーズする ために かわぞこで おどる オスを みることが できる。 からだの いろが もっとも うつくしい きせつ。 |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
In the autumn, Seaking males can be seen performing courtship dances in riverbeds to woo females. During this season, this Pokémon’s body coloration is at its most beautiful. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
알을 지키기 위해서 수컷과 암컷은 교대로 서식지 주변을 헤엄쳐 다니며 순찰한다. 알이 부화할 때까지 한 달 이상 계속된다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Seaking protege sus huevos con uñas y dientes. Macho y hembra se turnan para vigilar el nido y los huevos. Este período de protección dura más de un mes en el caso de estos Pokémon. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Les Poissoroy font tout pour protéger leurs œufs. Les mâles et les femelles patrouillent pour surveiller le nid et les œufs. La garde de ces œufs dure un peu plus d’un mois. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Golking gibt sehr viel acht auf seine Brut. Es patrouilliert um sein Nest und die Eier herum, wobei sich das männliche und das weibliche Exemplar abwechseln. Das Bewachen der Eier beschäftigt dieses Pokémon für über einen Monat. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
タマゴを まもるため オスと メスは こうたいで すの まわりを およぎまわり パトロールする。 タマゴが かえるまで ひとつきいじょう つづく。 |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Seaking is very protective of its eggs. The male and female will take turns patrolling around their nest and eggs. The guarding of eggs by these Pokémon goes on for over a month. |
Pokémon Sun
When the weather grows cold, its whole body flushes a deep red. This sight serves as a poetic reminder that autumn has arrived. |
Pokémon Moon
Trainers who are crazy for Seaking are divided into horn enthusiasts and fin enthusiasts. The two groups do not get along well. |
Pokémon Sword
In autumn, its body becomes more fatty in preparing to propose to a mate. It takes on beautiful colors. |
Pokémon Shield
Using its horn, it bores holes in riverbed boulders, making nests to prevent its eggs from washing away. |
Pokémon Stadium 2
During spawning season, Seaking gather from all over, coloring the rivers a brilliant red. |