Home / Episode Guide / Shell Shock / カブトのかせきのひみつ! / The Secret of Kabuto's Fossil!
The skies are blue and the weather is nice outside. Everyone is having a great time. Tracey sees a boat sailing past them. The boat sprays the whole group, and is headed for an island. When they arrive at the island, Ash thanks Lapras for the ride. Then he puts Lapras back in its Pokéball. A news crew is taking place on the island. A woman is talking about some extinct Pokémon. Ash and co. seems interested in this exploration. They arrive at the base. A Kabuto fossil that was found is shown, and the woman explains it. Tracey is surprised the the archaeologists found a Kabuto fossil. Ash decides to do some more research on Kabuto by looking it up in his Pokédex. The director of the research team is Nurse Joy. She states the reason of why they are here. They are also researching the Kabuto oil. The oil can make people live forever. The oil can also be good for medicine studies. Ash and Tracey wants to help out with the research. They appear infront of the camera. The woman yells out, "Cut!" and the camera stops. Misty scolds Ash for embarrassing everyone.

Team Rocket wonders of what Ash and co. are doing with a bunch of archaeologists. A group of explorers are going to find out where the Kabuto fossil came from. Ash and co. follows the explorers too. A person is hiding behind the trees. The explorers continues to search for the source of the Kabuto. They now have to walk on a narrow path. Below them is Team Rocket who struggles along. James is lagging behind because of the big backpack he is carrying. The Growlithe begins to growl at something. Up ahead is a big boulder. The boulder rolls down the hill, and it is headed straight for the group. Ash suggests for Nurse Joy to use the Machoke. The Machoke stops the boulder just in time. The Machoke throws the boulder out of the way. The boulder lands near Team Rocket, and James gets thrown to the bottom.

Pikachu senses something behind a rock, but when Ash looks around, no one is there. They finally reach a hidden bay. The experts believe that the Kabuto fossil might've come from this bay. The explorers and Pokémon starts to dig and drill through the rocks. Ash and co. are helping the explorers find the Kabuto fossils. Pikachu looks above and another boulder comes crashing on them. Ash and co. escapes the boulder. Several more boulders are rolling down the hill. A boulder is about to hit the news crew, but Rhydon uses a Horn Drill on the rock, breaking it.

Misty is wondering if someone is actually trying to get rid of them. Tracey tells Misty that the island is deserted. Pikachu sees someone, and starts to chase it. Ash sees the guy that could've dropped the rocks on them. Ash grabs the man and tackles him to the ground. The man tells Ash, "Leave this island before it's too late."

The man admits that he is the guy who is responsible for the boulder accidents. The man talks into the camera, and says that he is trying to do everyone a favor. Everyone is confused right now. The man begins to explain. The man tells them that when the moon glows with a red color, the land will be swallowed by the sea. He tells Nurse Joy to not disturb anything on the island. Misty says that he was the one disturbing the island by pushing the boulders. The man yells at everyone to leave the island. Suddenly, an explorer runs up, and he says that another Kabuto fossil has been discovered.

The explorer leads the group inside a cave. He points to the Kabuto fossil. Tracey has found a few more Kabuto fossils. Acutally, the Kabuto fossils covers the walls of the cave. Suddenly, the cave starts caving in. Nurse Joy orders everyone out of the cave. Team Rocket appears as they say their motto. The man tells Team Rocket that disturbing the Kabuto will bring great disaster. Team Rocket throws a bomb at the man, who throws it at Tracey, who throws it at Nurse Joy, who throws it at Misty, and she throws it at Ash. Ash stands their holding the bomb. Realizing that it's a bomb, he throws it at the ground. The bomb explodes, and the Kabuto fossils falls from the ceiling. Team Rocket wraps the fossils in a net, and they begin to float away.

The moonlight has turned to a reddish color. The moonlight glows on the Kabuto, and they begin to get revived. All of the other fossils in the cave are brought back to life. The Kabuto bites on the camera. Everyone makes a run for it as a swarm of Kabuto chases them. The Kabuto are even bugging Team Rocket. One Kabuto pinches a hole in their balloon. Team Rocket blasts off again.

Nurse Joy tells everyone that they have to get off the island immediately. The island starts to fall apart as more Kabuto tumble into the sea. The island starts to sink. The man says that they have to go to the forest and build rafts. The Rhydon cuts the trees, and a raft is in the process of being built. The island splits in two, and more Kabuto appear. The sea continues to swallow the island. The raft is finished just in time, and everyone remains on it. Ash and Misty sends out their Pokémon to help pull the raft. The Pokémon are tied to the raft, and off they go. The trees are getting knocked down, and the Pokémon are doing their best to avoid them. When everyone makes it to safety, the land has totally vanished. Nurse Joy apologizes to the man for not believing the prophecy. The woman thinks that it's best that no one ever hears about this. Everyone else agrees with her. The Kabuto drifts down the sea in search for a new home. Ash hopes that these Kabuto can find a new home.

English Official Summary

Aboard Lapras, the group follows a news crew to an uninhabited island, where a scientific expedition is underway after the discovery of a fossilized Kabuto. A series of natural disasters place our heroes in mortal danger, with only the power of their Pokémon to help them. What is the secret of the Kabuto, and who wants that secret to remain hidden?

Italian Official Summary

In groppa al Lapras, Ash e amici seguono una troupe giornalistica su un'isola deserta, dove una squadra archeologica è al lavoro dopo il ritrovamento di un fossile di Kabuto. Presto si ritroveranno coinvolti in una serie di strani incidenti!

Portuguese Official Summary

Depois de integrarem uma expedição científica para investigar um fóssil de Kabuto, Ash e amigos não tardam a ter de enfrentar uma série de desastres naturais!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Tras unirse a una expedición científica para investigar el fósil de un Kabuto, Ash y sus amigos pronto se encuentran enfrentando una serie de desastres naturales.

Spanish Official Summary

A bordo de Lapras, la pandilla sigue a un equipo de noticias a una isla despoblada, donde una expedición científica está trabajando después del hallazgo de un Kabuto fosilizado.

English Great Britian Official Summary

Aboard Lapras, the group follows a news crew to an uninhabited island, where a scientific expedition is underway after the discovery of a fossilized Kabuto. A series of natural disasters place our heroes in mortal danger, with only the power of their Pokémon to help them. What is the secret of the Kabuto, and who wants that secret to remain hidden?

Dutch Official Summary

Ash en zijn vrienden doen mee aan een wetenschappelijke expeditie waarbij een Kabuto fossil wordt onderzocht en krijgen al snel te maken met een aantal natuurrampen!

French Official Summary

Chevauchant Lokhlass, le groupe suit une équipe de journalistes sur une île inhabitée, où une expédition scientifique a été organisée après la découverte d'un fossile de Kabuto.

German Official Summary

Von der Insel Lapras folgt unsere Gruppe einem Nachrichtenteam zu einer unbewohnten Insel, auf der eine wissenschaftliche Expedition nach dem Fund eines Kabuto-Fossils weitere Nachforschungen anstellt.

Danish Official Summary

Da Ash og hans venner slutter sig til en videnskabelig ekspedition for at undersøge et Kabuto-fossil, befinder de sig pludselig midt i en række naturkatastrofer!