The ending starts off in a bedroom with an open window and the blind blowing in the wind. The shot zooms in on a painting hanging on the wall in the room.
Kasumi's voice actor Mayumi Iizuka (飯塚雅弓) sing the song as the painting stays relatively the same throughout. Satoshi, Kasumi, Kenji, Togepi and Pikachu are riding Laplace on the right side of the paiting. Around the border are Venonat, Poliwag, Staryu, Goldeen, Marill, Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Squirtle and Togepi.
The painting changes from day till night as the moon comes out and the gang falls asleep on Laplace as it continues to travel on the sea. The group then wakes up as the sun rises and Laplace continues swimming as the world zooms out into space.