Pokémon Transformation Sunday (ポケモンなりきりサンデー) was briefly used as an ending on Pokémon Sunday. Shōko Nakagawa (中川翔子) co-host of Pokémon Sunday sings the song.
The animation is not very long as the song was mainly used during the credits and preview segments for the next weeks episode of Pokémon Sunday. It features animation from the first few episodes of Pocket Monsters Diamond&Pearl and the opening Together.
The ending starts with a main video boxed in a window with the clip repeated in the background in smaller boxes. Three Runpapa's dance around as it switches to Pikachu and Hikari's Mimirol. Mimirol is spinning Pikachu around and then it switches to Pochama and Hikozaru in Professor Nanakamado lab as the Hikozaru taunts Pochama by pulling its eye lid and shaking its flame butt at it.
The next clip features Eipam hitting a tree branch after it had jumped into the air. It transitions to a clip from the opening segment from DP1 - Setting Off! From Futaba Town to Masago Town!! (旅立ち!フタバタウンからマサゴタウンへ!!) where a bunch of Pokémon are seen near a cliff. It switches to a field where Bipper, Beadull and Subomie are resting. It then switches to a clip from Together in the forest where Minomutchi, Korobooshi, Pachirisu and Cherrim are swaying back and forth.
A brief segment of Takeshi's Gureggru is smiling as it switches to Pikachu and Naetle. It then quickly changes to Hikari's Pochama in a confused state as Achamo's circle around it. The opening switches to credits and previews as the song continues.