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小学一年生 2025年 4月号

  • First Grade Student April 2025
Main Image


Country:  Japan Japan
Language:  Japanese Japanese
Publisher:  小学館
Author:  小学館
EAN / JAN / ISBN 13#:  4910010010455
Release Date:  2025-02-21
Pages:  168
Price:  2450円


First Grade Student is celebrating their 100th anniversary!
First Grade Student, which is celebrating their 100th anniversary, is a magazine filled with fun learning for first graders. Each issue is packed with articles on a variety of topics, including exciting extras, manga and puzzles with popular characters, and popular topics! Play with the extras and read the magazine to get interested in many things and increase what you know! Enjoy every day of first grade together with "First Grade Student"!

Extra 1: Shiny First-Year Student Pokémon Talking Pikachu Alarm Clock
* Uses two AA alkaline batteries (sold separately)

This month's supplement to celebrate everyone going to school and the 100th anniversary of First Grade is a special version of the Pikachu Alarm Clock. Pikachu is wearing a cute school bag, just like all the first-year students!

There are five types of alarm clock voices. When you can't wake up easily, your alarm voice changes! When you wake up and press the button, it sings the nostalgic commercial song "Pika Pika~chu! Pika Pi~ka"! Wake up in the morning and learn how to read a clock, so let's work hard with Pikachu!

Instruction Manual for the Pikachu Alarm Clock

The instructions for the April 2025 issue extra item Shiny First-Year Student Talking Pikachu Alarm Clock are included in the box. To view the manual, please click here.

Extra: Pokémon FRIENDA Support Ticket Laplace

A Pokémon Support ticket that can be used in Pokémon FRIENDA at the store. If you load the 2D code, the support Pokémon Laplace will help you during the battle in the game!

Official Website: https://sho.jp/sho1/80247 and https://sho.jp/sho1/79785


創刊100周年の『小学一年生』は、1年生のための楽しい学びがたっぷりつまった雑誌だよ。毎号、ワクワクするふろくや、人気キャラのまんがやパズル、旬の話題など、さまざまなテーマの記事が満載! ふろくで遊んだり、本を読んだりして、たくさんのことに興味を持って、知りたいと思うことを増やしていこう! 『小学一年生』といっしょに、1年生の毎日を楽しく過ごそうね♪ ピッカピカの一年生 ポケットモンスター おしゃべりピカチュウ めざましどけい

みんなの新入学と『小学一年生』の100周年をお祝いする今月号付録は、スペシャルバージョンのピカチュウめざましどけいだよ。1年生のみんなと同じ、ランドセル姿のピカチュウがかわいい! めざましボイスは5種類。なかなか起きられないときは、めざましボイスが変化するよ! 起きてボタンを押すと、なつかしのCMソングの「ピッカピッカチューッ! ピッカピーカ♪」と歌ってくれちゃいます!

<ふろく> ポケモンフレンダ サポートポケモンチケット ラプラス


YouTube Clip - Pikachu Alarm Clock Announcement

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TexNpEVoBIw

YouTube Clip - First Grade April 2025 Issue Commercial

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeqwFpYVfp8
