monpoké Pikachu's First Friends
United States
Publisher: Scholastic
Author: Rikako Matsuo
ISBN 10#: 1339005867
EAN / JAN / ISBN 13#: 978-1339005867
Release Date: 2024-02-06
Pages: 40
Price: $17.99
Meet cute Pokémon in a whole new way! This original illustrated storybook is perfect for parents who want to introduce their little ones to the most beloved Pokémon of all time.
Pikachu sets out on a voyage of exploration! The little Pokémon is looking for a home. Then it lands on a mysterious island. Pikachu begins to explore. What new friends will it meet?
Join Pikachu in this heartwarming adventure as it discovers new places, foods, music, and most of all, friends! This original story will introduce Pokémon to a whole new generation of fans. With soft, whimsical art and a sweet, simple storyline,Pikachu's First Friendsis sure to appeal to little children beginning their own journeys of friendship and discovery.
• A must-have for pokemon-loving new parents
• An adorable addition to any child's bookcase
• Fantastic lessons on friendship that will help children as they begin to navigate their own friendship journeys