In this installment of the "Diamond & Pearl Full-Force Scoop", the (unofficial) Diamond & Pearl Campaign Boys, Robert, introduce some new Pokémon that live in the Sinnoh Region.
First off, the bring notice to the starter trio - Naetle, Hikozaru and Pochama. Next, they show how the game will also feature the new Pokémon who could be seen starring in the movie world, led on by Lucario, but also including Buoysel, Manyula, Gonbe, Usohachi and others.
Of course, the game will also feature Pokémon that haven't been seen before, including Pachirisu, Dorapion, as well as Roserade, Roselia's evoluton, which particularly captures Baba's interest.
A lot of new moves will be introduced too, including some called "Leaf Storm" and "Giga Impact".
Baba again mentions the games will be release September 28th, and Akiyama suggest you finish your summer vacation homework in the meantime, and Yamamoto tells him you should've done that already anyway.