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Song Details
Title A Small Thing
Artist Asuca Hayashi
Language Japanese (TL)
Song Translations
Lyrics I watched you quietly
A small thing, your sleeping face
Just a few wrinkles gather on your brow
If you're having a nightmare, open your eyes

That summer when I shrank back in fear of water
is coming back to me now
With someone pushing at my back, I was finally able to swim
It's as if it was only yesterday

I hear a voice
It points to the road I must take
Alone within the smoothly flowing wind
I am singing

A small thing, that's me
It's me, undoubtedly
In the mirror there is only hopelessness
But tomorrow I won't lose to anyone!

And I am, little by little,
Returning to the time I was young
I sing a love song without even knowing its meaning
On the day that you praised me

If I look to the sky
My voice will rise up
And you too, in the flowing wind,
Should be whirled up there

I hear a voice
It points to the road I must take
Alone within the smoothly flowing wind
I am singing

The important things are already right by my side; I realize that now...

If I look to the sky
My voice will rise up
And you too, in the murmuring, flowing wind,
Should be whirled up there

I hear a voice
It points to the road I must take
Alone in the smoothly flowing wind
I am singing