Title | Seven-Colored Arch |
Artist | Pokémon BW Choir (Aki Okui, Toshiko Ezaki, Fumie Akiyoshi) |
Language | Japanese (TL) |
Song Translations | |
Lyrics | Seeing the blue, cloudless sky, your eyes shine Come on, be proud, start walking, your dream's starting Turn joy and sadness Into strength for tomorrow Again and again Believe in your power to fly Let's draw it all over that sky The seven-colored arch The rain stops, the wind carries the scent of grass and earth They're singing, "We're alive", today begins Precious memories Will smile forever Looking up to the sky That extends everywhere Let's go forward, more dazzling than anyone else On the seven-colored arch Even in times when you stumble And are about to break down Someone will quietly Watch your hard-working back Slowly, even if it's just one step The scenery will surely change Come on, let's go Holding many "hopes" and "dreams" To your future... Beyond the rainbow |