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Song Details
Title 紙ひこうき
Artist Evan Call, suis
Composer(s) Evan Call
Arrangement Evan Call
Lyracist(s) 児玉雨子
Language Japanese
Song Translations Japanese (Romanized) English
CD Availability
Lyrics きれいな音 聴いて思い出した
君が話してた いろんなこと

おしゃべりは好き でも…
でも ちょっと だけど
書いてるほうが 素直かも

飛んでゆけ 青い青い空へ

世界を結(ゆ)わえる 透きとおった


紙のいっぱいまで 書いたんだ
Japanese (Romanized)
Kireina oto kīte omoidashita
Kun ga hanashiteta ironna koto

Oshaberi wa suki demo…
Demo chottodakedo
Kaiteru hō ga sunao kamo

Tondeyuke aoi aoi sora e
Tashikame ni yuku ndayo
Kun ga itteta "kotoba wa tsubasa"

Boku mo aoi aoi umi de
Sekai o yui (yu) wa eru sukitōtta
Ano hikari ni naretara… naretara!

Chiheisen ga kohaku ni mieta nda
Hontō sa
Tsutaete miserukara

Moji ni katadorenai
Komiageru omoi kami no ippai made kaita nda
Just a moment in time, hear the bells start to chime
When I think of your gentle voice, these words become mine

Now I write this letter with love and send you, send you, my heart today
Spoken words leave so much to say

So these words will fly and fly and fly wherever
To a place beyond the great frontier that looms before us
On the winds of hope and dreams

With your wings to guide to guide forever
Crystal skies will shine down a light when there is dark
Shine a light to guide these words to where you are

Through clouds to the deep blue sea
To an amber horizon
With lantern light to lead the way

More than words on a page
A letter straight from the soul
I write to you this letter, from my heart to yours.