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Staff and Actor Database
Many people work on the anime series behind the scenes and have various jobs including: Screenplay, Animation Directors, Episode Directors, Voice Actor, Storyboard artists and many more. This is an index of the people that worked on the anime series.

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Staff Type
Search Results
Name Country Language
Aelloe Malaysia Malaysia Malay
Alunite Japan Japan Japanese
Arthit K Thailand Thailand Thai
artxcol Philippines Philippines Filipino
Bae Je Eun Japan Japan Korean
Be Loop Japan Japan Japanese
Beardedpotato Japan Japan Malay
BEEP Japan Japan Japanese
BigOwl Japan Japan Japanese
C-Station Japan Japan Japanese
Chadapond R Thailand Thailand Thai
Chaipipat P Thailand Thailand Thai
Charas W Thailand Thailand Thai
Chayanit A Thailand Thailand Thai
Cheng Loon Malaysia Malaysia Malay
Choi Jeong Hwa Japan Japan Japanese
CHU MIN GWAN Japan Japan Korean
Chuckle Mouse Studio Malaysia Malaysia Malay
CiliPetai Malaysia Malaysia Malay
CL高円寺 (CL Corporation) Japan Japan Japanese