Home / Content DB / Pokémon Live! Musical - Scene Shift Plot

Pokémon Live!

Developer/Publisher: Radio City Entertainment, 4Kids Entertainment and Nintendo
Countries: USA and Canada
Music and Lyrics: John Siegler and John Loeffler, Norman J. Grossfeld, Louis Cortelezzi, Ken Cummings, Neil Jason, Bob Mayo and Michael Whalen
Musical Run: September 15th, 2000 until January 2001

Table of Contents:

Main Page - About the Musical - CD - Permission - Original Cast - Understudies - Staff - Tour Locations - Script - Show Timings - Scene Shift Plot - Meowth and Pikachu Dresser Cues - Sound FX - Cast Flow - Story/Information - Features - YouTube Videos


QLX Chart

Scene Shift Plot

Order Cue# QLX What Happens? Who does it? When happens?
I-0: Top of Show
1 PRESET Stardrop Revealed All Before the Show
2 PRESET Scrim ON All Before the Show
3 PRESET Ash Bedroom US of SL Iris All Before the Show
4 PRESET Electrode DSR All Before the Show
5 PRESET HQ Tower USR3(Leave SR3 Clear) All Before the Show
6 PRESET Geodude and Koffing Preset OFF All Before the Show
7 PRESET Forest #1 and #2 SR All Before the Show
8 PRESET IRIS #1 and #2 at Center All Before the Show
9 PRESET Medallion IN All Before the Show
I-Prologue: Commercial (Pg 1) 00:45
1 FLY#1 RADIO Medallion OUT Michael Top of Show
I-2: Ash's Bedroom (Pg 3-8) 03:54
1 IQ#1 #3 Iris #1 to SR Michelle+1 End of Commercial "Diamond Badge is waiting for you."
2 IQ#1 #2 Iris #2 to SR Art+1 End of Commercial "Diamond Badge is waiting for you."
3 DQ#3 AUTO Ash Bedroom DS Lou+1(crew sneak off after set) End of Commercial "Diamond Badge is waiting for you."
4 PRESET Help Shaun with Harness SR Mel or Cindy During scene
5 PRESET Help Darren with Zapdos SR Mel or Cindy During scene
6 PRESET Help Dee with Golbat SR Mel or Cindy During scene
7 PRESET Help Patrick with Pidgeot SL Mel or Cindy During scene
I-3: You and Me and Pokemon (Pg 8-10) 06:56
1 PRESET Crew to position for Ash Bed Lou+1 "ONE WORLD-NOW AND FOREVER" (LX OUT)
2 DQ#4 #3 Ash Bedroom OFF SL3 Lou+1 "NOTHING WE CAN'T DO"
3 IQ#4 #2 Iris #1 OFF SL Michele Bed clears
4 PRESET Bed breakdown SL to Dead Storage Lou+1 After bed exits
5 PRESET Put two puppets in SL3 A After bed breakdown
6 PRESET Help Suzanne with Harness SL A After Suzanne exits
7 PRESET Help Sinclair+Abbey with Harness SR1 Mel or Cindy After Sinclair+Abbey exit
8 PRESET Help Natalie with Harness R2 B After Abbey exits
9 PRESET Page Curtain R2 then R1 B
10 FLY#2 #7 Geodude and Koffing ON Michael Middle of song
11 IQ#5 #3 Iris #1 ON to CTR (Medium) Michele Playoff of You and Me and Pokemon
12 IQ#5 #2 Iris #2 ON to CTR (Medium) Art Playoff of You and Me and Pokemon
13 PRESET Page Curtain L2 for 3 armies exiting A Playoff of You and Me and Pokemon
14 PRESET Help Shaun with Harness L2 C Playoff of You and Me and Pokemon
15 PRESET Help Sinclair with Harness L3 Mel or Cindy Playoff of You and Me and Pokemon
16 PRESET Help Abbey with Harness L3 Mel or Cindy Playoff of You and Me and Pokemon
17 PRESET Page Curtain R2 for 1 army exiting B Playoff of You and Me and Pokemon
18 PRESET Help Suzanne with Harness R2 B After Suzanne exits
19 PRESET Help Natalie with Harness R3 D After Natalie exits
I-4: Jessie and James (Hello New York) (Pg 10-13) 02:21
1 IQ#6 #3 Iris #1 OPEN/CLOSE (Fast) Michele "At the speed of Light" (Meowth Entrance)
2 IQ#6 #2 Iris #2 OPEN/CLOSE (Fast) Art "At the speed of Light" (Meowth Entrance)
3 PRESET Help Props strike Puppet Army All After Meowth Entrance (2 Minutes to set)
4 PRESET HQ Drop ON Michael After Meowth Entrance (2 Minutes to set)
5 PRESET HQ Tower ON (Scrim ON) Lou+3 After Meowth Entrance (2 Minutes to set)
6 PRESET MM2 ON to I-5 Spike John After Meowth Entrance (2 Minutes to set)
7 PRESET HQ Panel #1 ON to Spike Michele After Meowth Entrance (2 Minutes to set)
7 PRESET HQ Panel #2 ON to Spike Art After Meowth Entrance (2 Minutes to set)
8 PRESET Electrode in R2 Lou After Meowth Entrance (2 Minutes to set)
9 PRESET Venusaur in R3 Lou+1 After Meowth Entrance (2 Minutes to set)
10 PRESET Knoll preset DS of Venusaur Lou+1 After Meowth Entrance (2 Minutes to set)
I-5A: Giovani's HQ II: It Will All Be Mine (Pg 13-16) 04:57
1 IQ#7 #3 Iris #1 OFF to Spike (Medium) Michele Top of Giovanni Song
2 IQ#7 #2 Iris #2 OFF to Spike (Medium) Art Top of Giovanni Song
I-5B: Giovanni's HQ II: 2nd Trainer Scene (Pg 17-19) 02:19
1 DQ#6 #6 HQ Panel #2 OFF to Spike (Fast) Art "I choose Alakazam!" (Reveal Alakazam)
2 DQ#7 #7 HQ Panel #1 OFF to Spike (Fast) Michele "I choose MM2!" (Reveal Alakazam and Cue MM2)
3 DQ#7A #6 HQ Panel #2 OFF to Spike (Fast) Art "running one day! Next!" (Reveal Lapras)
4 AutoFollow AUTO HQ Panel #2 ON to Spike (Fast) Art Venusaur US of Panel
5 DQ#7B #2 Electrode ON from R2 Lou "One hundred-seventy-seven to go. Next"
6 DQ#7C #2 Electrode OFFÂ Lou "No need to return that one."
7 PRESET Electrode OFF to DSR storage Lou+1 ASAP
8 PRESET Knoll preset in R2 All ASAP
9 DQ#8 #7 HQ Panel #1 ON to Spike Michele "One hundred-seventy-six to go." (MM2 Clears Panel)
10 DQ#9 #4 Forest #1 and #2 ON SL to Spike Art+2 At end of song
11 DQ#9 #2 Knoll ON Lou At end of song
I-6A: Forest I: My Best Friends (Pg 19-23) 04:49
1 DQ#9A #5 Forest #1 and #2 MOVE SR to Spike Michele + 2 With staging
2 DQ#9A #2 Knoll OFF Lou With staging
3 PRESET HQ Drop OFF (Keep Scrim) Michael runs preset During Forest I Scene (7 Minutes to set)
4 PRESET HQ Panel #1 OFF Michael runs preset During Forest I Scene (7 Minutes to set)
5 PRESET HQ Panel #2 OFF Michael runs preset During Forest I Scene (7 Minutes to set)
6 PRESET Venusaur OFF to Dead Storage Michael runs preset During Forest I Scene (7 Minutes to set)
7 PRESET HQ Tower OFF to Storage Michael runs preset During Forest I Scene (7 Minutes to set)
8 PRESET MM2 OFF to Storage SL Michael runs preset During Forest I Scene (7 Minutes to set)
9 PRESET Warehouse USL behind Forest Michael runs preset During Forest I Scene (7 Minutes to set)
10 PRESET Strike Geodude and Koffing Michael runs preset During Forest I Scene (7 Minutes to set)
11 PRESET Set Helicopter SR Michael runs preset During Forest I Scene (7 Minutes to set)
I-6B: Forest I: Falling in the hole (Pg 23-28) 02:36
1 DQ#10 #2 Knoll ON Lou+1 (Lou with unit for trap) After Pikachu Button.
2 TRAPQ #2 Remove Trap Lou "pull out the support stick!"
2 TRAPQ Pass trap under drop Lou After "pull out the support stick!"
2 TRAPQ Strike wood trap Michelle After "pull out the support stick!"
I-7: Warehouse: Everything Changes (Pg 28-31) 06:11
1 IQ#8 #3 Iris #1 SL to SR to Spike Michele "Good idea. Knuckleheads!"
2 DQ#11 #5 Forest #1 and #2 OFF SR Art+1 "Good idea. Knuckleheads!"
3 DQ#11 #2 Knoll OFF Lou+1 "Good idea. Knuckleheads!"
4 DQ#11 #7 Warehouse DS Michael +1 Forest clears
5 IQ#8A #2 Iris #1 OFF to SR Michele After scene starts to reveal dancers
6 CHECK Is the Helicopter set SR? Michael After Warehouse is set
7 DQ#12 #5 Warehouse US Michael +1 Start of Music
10 DQ#12A #4 Forest #1 and #2 ON to Spike Art+2 With IQ#9
11 DQ#12A #2 Knoll ON Lou With IQ#9
I-8A: Forest II: Deaf Trainer (Pg 31-35) 02:56
1 PRESET Warehouse to Dead Storage Michael + 3 After Forest drop is set - Quiet Scene
2 PRESET Set 2 Horsea SR Wing Mel+Cindy After Forest drop is set - Quiet Scene
3 PRESET Set Mew USC Mel+Cindy After Forest drop is set - Quiet Scene
4 PRESET Set Goldeen R3 for Suzanne Mel+Cindy After Forest drop is set - Quiet Scene
5 PRESET Set Goldeen L3 for Shaun Mel+Cindy After Forest drop is set - Quiet Scene
6 PRESET Set Vaporean L2 Mel+Cindy During Jigglypuff's song
7 PRESET Hold Suzanne's Butterfree in L2 Mel During Jigglypuff's song
8 PRESET Hold Shaun's Butterfree in MID-L3 Jesicca During Jigglypuff's song
9 PRESET Hold Natalie's Butterfree in DOWN-L3 Mike During Jigglypuff's song
10 PRESET Hold Patrick's Butterfree in UP-L3 Cindy During Jigglypuff's song
11 DQ#13 #5 Forest Splits - #1Â OFF SL Michele "YOU LOOK AT ME, I LOOK AWAY"
12 DQ#13 #4 Forest Splits - #2Â OFF SR Art "YOU LOOK AT ME, I LOOK AWAY"
13 DQ#13 #2 Knoll OFF Lou "YOU LOOK AT ME, I LOOK AWAY"
I-8B: Forest II: Misty's Song (Pg 35-37) 04:51
1 PRESET Help Jesse N. get on Butterfree R3 Gina After exits from Deaf Trainer Scene
2 PRESET Page L2 curtain for Mew and Vaporean Michele After Goldeen goes onstage
3 PRESET Page curtain and get Goldeen L2 Michele After Vaporean goes onstage
4 PRESET Help Suzanne's Butterfree in L2 Mel After Goldeen exit
5 PRESET Help Shaun's Butterfree in MID-L3 Jesicca After Goldeen exit
6 PRESET Help Natalie's Butterfree in DOWN-L3 Mike After Vaporean exit
7 PRESET Help Patrick's Butterfree in UP-L3 Cindy After Vaporean exit
8 PRESET Page L2 curtain for Butterfree ON Michele After storing Goldeen DSL
9 PRESET Page L2 curtain for Butterfree OFF Michele After Butterfrees all go on
10 PRESET Help Props with Puppet Strike All End of Blacklight Number
11 DQ#14 #5 Forest #1 ON to Center Michelle "I LOVE YOU…" End of Song
12 DQ#14 #4 Forest #2 ON to Center Art "I LOVE YOU" End of Song
13 DQ#14 #2 Knoll ON (with Jessie and James) Lou "I LOVE YOU" End of Song
I-8C: Forest II: The Best at Being the Worst (Pg 37-41) 04:33
1 PRESET Submarine in L2 Michael+1 During Best at Being the Worst
2 PRESET Lagoon Drop ON US Scrim OFF Michele+1 During Best at Being the Worst
3 DQ#15 #5 Forest Splits - #1Â OFF SL Michele "I should been a shrink!"
4 DQ#15 #4 Forest Splits - #2Â OFF SR Art "I should been a shrink!"
5 DQ#15 #2 Knoll OFF (with Jessie and James) Lou "I should been a shrink!"
I-9: Lagoon I: Pikachu (Pg 42-44) 04:50
1 DQ#16 #3 Submarine ON Lou Sinclair at center with Bolos.
2 DQ#17(Auto) Submarine OFF Lou Jessie and James ON
3 IQ#10 #3 Iris #1 to Center Michele After Black Out
4 IQ#10 #2 Iris #2 to Center Art After Black Out
II-0: Intermission
1 PRESET Keep Lagoon Drop All Intermission
2 PRESET Forest #2 stores SL with Forest #1
3 PRESET MewTwo on Rig SL Michael+1 Intermission
4 PRESET Unbury Cages,Joy,Jenny,FX Boxes All Intermission
5 PRESET HQ Tower+Stairs joined and set R3 All Intermission
6 PRESET SR FX Box in R3 DS of HQ All Intermission
7 PRESET Cages+MM2 in L3 Michael+1 Intermission
8 PRESET SL FX Box DS of Cages Michael+1 Intermission
9 PRESET Officer Jenny in L2 (Forest face DS!) All Intermission
10 PRESET Nurse Joy in R2 (Forest face DS!) All Intermission
II-Opening: What Kind of Pokemon Are you? (Pg 45-47) 04:48
1 IQ#20 #3 Iris #1OPEN/CLOSE (Fast) Michele "Break out!"
2 IQ#20 #2 Iris #2 OPEN/CLOSE (Fast) Art "Break out!"
II-1: Lagoon II:The Time Has Come (Pg 47-49) 04:35
1 IQ#21 #3 Iris #1 OFF to SL Michele Start of scene
2 IQ#21 #2 Iris #2 OFF to SR Art Start of scene
3 IQ#22 #3 Iris #1 ON to CTR Michele Start of song
4 IQ#22 #2 Iris #2 ON to CTR Art Start of song
5 DQ#21 #6+#7 SR FX Box ON Pyro Mike After Iris closes
6 DQ#21 #6+#7 HQ Panel #2 on to Spike Pyro Mike After setting SR FX Box
7 DQ#21 #6+#7 HQ Drop ON Michael+1 After Iris closes
8 DQ#21 #6+#7 Scrim ON Michael+1
9 DQ#21 #6+#7 HQ Tower+Stairs ON Michael+1 After Iris closes
10 DQ#21 #6+#7 Cages DS to Iris Michael+1 After Iris closes
11 DQ#21 #6+#7 MM2 ON behind HQ Panel Lou+1 After Iris closes
12 DQ#21 #6+#7 HQ Panel #1 ON to Spike Michele After Iris closes
13 IQ#23 #3 Iris #1 OFF to SL Michele As Ash exits
14 IQ#23 #2 Iris #2 OFF to SR Art As Ash exits
15 DQ#22(Auto) AUTO Cages DS to Spike Mike+1 After IQ#23
II-2: Giovanni HQ III: Evil World/Double Trouble (Pg 49-56) 07:49
1 DQ#23 #7 HQ Panel #1 OFF to Spike Michele? "Behold" (MM2 Reveal)
2 DQ#24 #1 Cages US of Forest (EN from L1) Mike+1 At end of song
3 IQ#24 AUTO Iris #1 SL to OFF SR Michele After cages clear
4 DQ#24A #5 Forest ON from SL to SR Art+1 Iris at Center
5 DQ#24A #6+#7 HQ Tower+Stairs swing USC Lou+1 After Forest ON starts
6 DQ#24A #6+#7 SR FX Box swing USC Pyro Mike After Forest ON starts
7 DQ#24A #6+#7 Page curtain R2 for Nurse Joy Local After Forest ON starts
8 DQ#24A #6+#7 Nurse Joy Forest Local+Joy (Natalie) After Forest ON starts
9 DQ#24A #6+#7 Page curtain L2 for Officer Jenny Local After Forest ON starts
10 DQ#24A #6+#7 Officer Jenny Forest Cast (Jake, Suzanne and Shaun) After Forest ON starts
II-3A: Forest III: Two Perfect Girls (Pg 56-59) 04:48
1 PRESET HQ Tower+Stairs store R3 Lou+? After song starts! Quiet until song starts
2 PRESET SR FX Box OFF R3 Pyro Mike After song starts! Quiet until song starts
3 PRESET HQ Panel #2 OFF Pyro Mike After song starts! Quiet until song starts
4 PRESET HQ Panel #1 OFF After song starts! Quiet until song starts
5 PRESET Cages OFF to Dead Storage After song starts! Quiet until song starts
6 PRESET HQ Drop OFF Michael After song starts! Quiet until song starts
7 PRESET Scrim OFF Michael After song starts! Quiet until song starts
8 PRESET MM2 OFF R3 After song starts! Quiet until song starts
9 DQ#25 Page Curtain for Nurse Joy OFF Local Misty shouts "Pikachu!"
II-3B: Forest III: I've Got a Secret (Pg 59-66) 05:55
1 DQ#26 Page Curtain for Officer Jenny OFF Local Before Misty sings
2 DQ#27 #5 Forest #1 OFF SR Michele Before Ash sings (Reveal Lagoon)
3 DQ#27 #4 Forest #2 OFF SL Art Before Ash sings (Reveal Lagoon)
4 IQ#25 #2 Iris #1 from SR to CTR Michele As Misty and Brock exit L3
5 IQ#25 #2 Iris #2 from SR to CTR Art As Misty and Brock exit L3
6 DQ#28 #6+#7 HQ Drop ON Mike After Iris Closes (FAST SETUP 40 SECONDS!)
7 DQ#28 #6+#7 Scrim ON After Iris Closes (FAST SETUP 40 SECONDS!)
8 DQ#28 #6+#7 SR FX Box ON Pyro Mike After Iris Closes (FAST SETUP 40 SECONDS!)
9 DQ#28 #6+#7 HQ Panel #2 ON Pyro Mike After Iris Closes (FAST SETUP 40 SECONDS!)
10 DQ#28 #6+#7 HQ Tower/Stairs ON After Iris Closes (FAST SETUP 40 SECONDS!)
11 DQ#28 #6+#7 SL FX Box ON to CTR After Iris Closes (FAST SETUP 40 SECONDS!)
12 DQ#28 #6+#7 MM2 ON to Spike DS of HQ Panel #1 After Iris Closes (FAST SETUP 40 SECONDS!)
13 DQ#28 #6+#7 HQ Panel #1 ON After Iris Closes (FAST SETUP 40 SECONDS!)
14 IQ#26 #3 Iris #1 OFF to SR Spike Michele As Psyduck and Mom exit R1
15 IQ#26 #2 Iris #2 OFF to SL Spike Art As Psyduck and Mom exit R1
II-4: Giovanni HQ IV: You Just Can't Win (Pg 66-73) 06:30
1 DQ#29 #7 HQ Panel #1 ON to Spike Michele MM2 clears panel
2 DQ#30 #7 HQ Panel #1 OFF to Spike Michele "I choose MM2!"
3 FLY#6 #7 MewTwo to SR Mike After song
4 PRESET Q MewTwo onstage Randy When MewTwo flies OFF R3
5 PRESET MewTwo,Pika and Ash OFF into R3 Randy After they exit US of stairs
6 IQ#27 #3 Iris #1 ON to CTR Michele+1 As MM2 self-destructs
7 IQ#27 #2 Iris #2 ON to CTR Art As MM2 self-destructs
II-5: Epilogue: Finale 04:04
1 DQ#31 #6+#7 HQ Drop OFF After Iris Closes
2 DQ#31 #6+#7 Scrim OFF After Iris Closes
3 DQ#31 #6+#7 Finale Drop ON After Iris Closes
4 DQ#31 #6+#7 HQ Tower/Stairs OFF R3 After Iris Closes
5 DQ#31 #6+#7 SR FX Box OFF R3 Pyro Mike After Iris Closes
6 DQ#31 #6+#7 HQ Panel #2 OFF Pyro Mike After Iris Closes
7 DQ#31 #6+#7 HQ Panel #1 OFF After Iris Closes
8 DQ#31 #6+#7 SL FX Box OFF USR3 After Iris Closes
9 DQ#31 #6+#7 MM2 OFF R3 After Iris Closes
10 DQ#31 #6+#7 Sweep stage and get blast caps After Iris Closes
11 DQ#31 #6+#7 Set Sinclair Puppet Army CS Mel After Iris Closes
12 DQ#31 #6+#7 Set Suzanne Puppet Army CS Cindy After Iris Closes
13 IQ#28 #3 Iris #1 OFF to SL Michele After 2nd chorus of BEST FRIENDS
14 IQ#28 #2 Iris #2 OFF to SR Art After 2nd chorus of BEST FRIENDS
15 PAGE Page Curtain L2 for Jesse N.+Shaun After Iris Opens
16 PAGE Page Curtain L2 for Abbey+Natalie After Iris Opens

This page has been viewed 5530 times.
Last updated 22 Sep 2014 13:25 by Sunain.
Revision #3
Page Tags: Pokémon Live!