Home / Characters / AZ's Floette/AZのフラエッテ/AZ's Floette

AZ's Floette

Character Names
  • English / United States: AZ's Floette
  • Japanese / Japan: AZのフラエッテ
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: AZ no Floette
  • Japanese (TL) / Japan: AZ's Floette
AZ's Floette is a Pokémon that AZ, the former king of Kalos, owned 3,000 years ago, when a war broke out between Kalos and an unnamed nation. Pokémon were drafted for said war, and AZ's Floette was one of them, where it died on the battlefield. Distraught, AZ made a weapon that drained every living thing's life energy to transfer it all back to his Floette, which ended the war. An unintended consequence was that it made AZ and his Floette immortal.
Floette was so mortified that a genocide was committed to bring it back to life that it couldn't face it's trainer, and abandoned AZ. It wasn't until 3,000 years later when AZ learned from the player, Calem or Serena, and opened his heart, that Floette forgave and returned back to him.

Years later, AZ and his Floette work together owning the Hotel Z in Lumiose City.
Series Title
Gen 18