Home / Characters / MC Sledge's Sableye/MCカマーのヤミラミ/MC Kammer's Yamirami

MC Sledge's Sableye

Character Names
  • English / United States: MC Sledge's Sableye
  • Japanese / Japan: MCカマーのヤミラミ
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: MC Kammer no Yamirami
  • Japanese (TL) / Japan: MC Kammer's Yamirami
Voice Actors
MC Sledge's Sableye was sent out on stage to battle against Roy's Fuecoco. It only lasted one Flame Charge attack and it was knocked out.
Known Moveset
Power Gem Type
First Seen: PM2023 61
Roy's Hogator avoided all the attacks as well.
Shadow Claw Type
First Seen: PM2023 61
Roy's Hogator avoided it but it created a lot of smoke on stage.