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Game Details:

Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo / The Pokémon Company
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date(s): October 12th, 2013 (JPN), October 12th, 2013 (USA), October 12th, 2013 (EUR)
Mode(s): Single Player, Multiplayer
Rating(s): CERO: A (JPN), PEGI: 3+ (EUR), ESRB: E (USA)
Controller(s): Nintendo 3DS
Extra Contents: X and Y Main Page, Pokémon Bank / Poké Transporter, Mega Evolution, Super Training, Player Search System (PSS), Holo Caster, Nintendo Network, Berries, Ribbons, Patches, Rating Battles
Pokémon Global Link: Poké Miles Store,Balloon Popping, Graffiti Eraser, Mine Cart Adventure, Poké Doll Grabber, Medals, Online Tournaments

Super Training (スーパートレーニング)

Super Training (スーパートレーニング) or S.T. was introduced in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y and it allows players to help their Pokémon grow stronger when they’re not in battle. Super Training can be started at anytime by selecting it on the Nintendo 2DS/3DS systems Touch Screen and players can have their Pokémon participate in the activities that will increase the chosen Pokémon’s base stats not the actual level of the Pokémon. Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire also included this same Super Training.

As the base stats (きそポイント) increase, a players Pokémon will be stronger than the same species of Pokémon at the same level. The base stats can also be increased using items and other methods in previous Pokémon titles, but in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, Super Training provides a way to raise the base stats more easily than ever before.


Effort-o-Meter (ガンバロメータ)

The Effort-o-Meter allows players to easily understand their Pokémon’s stats at a glance with the Effort-o-Meter graph. To check a Pokémon’s Effort-o-Meter graph, players can view it on the Super Training main screen. This makes it easier for players to determine how the training is going and what areas they wish to improve a Pokémon’s stats in.

pic pic

Each Pokémon has some stats that will increase more easily than others and the Effort-o-Meter graph has two colors to indicate how the Pokémon stats have changed as a result of Super Training. The Green inside part of the graph shows the stat levels relevant to each Pokémon species while the Yellow outside part of the graph shows the base stat increases that a players Pokémon has achieved. There is a meter on the right side of the graph that shows the training limit for that Pokémon. The maximum limit for each base stat is 252 points and each Pokémon has a total limit of 510 points that can be assigned to base stats.

Each stat changes how a Pokémon fairs in battles. Below is a list of the different stats that Super Training can improve:

Stat Description
HP Pokémon’s Hit Points. When a Pokémon’s HP falls to 0 during battle, it will be knocked out.
Attack affects how much damage a Pokémon can deal to opposing Pokémon using physical moves.
Defense affects how much damage a Pokémon takes from opposing Pokémon physical moves.
Sp. Atk
The Special Attack stat affects how much damage a Pokémon can deal to opponents using special moves.
Sp. Def
The Special Defense stat affects how much damage a Pokémon can take from an opponent’s special moves.
Speed affects which Pokémon gets to move first in battle.

Core Training (ベーストレーニング)

Core Training (ベーストレーニング) is one of the most basic ways to raise a base stat in Pokémon X and Y. Players select a Training Bag they wish to use which has an associated base stat improvement value. The player can then help out by tapping the Training Bag on the Touch Screen and the selected Pokémon will be motivated hit it. The Pokémon will also hit it on its own without the players intervention. One the Training Bag has been used up, the Pokémon will receive the base stats.

Training Bags (サンドバッグ)

Training Bags (サンドバッグ) can boost a Pokémon's base stats and they are given to players that complete a Super Training Regimen. If the player does not complete the regimen, they will still be given a training bag to help their Pokémon. Some Training Bags can also be randomly found by a Pokémon during Super Training and players can also tap on the standard bag to randomly receive a bag.

Players can store up to 12 training bags and once one is selected, the bag appears on the touch screen. Players can then tap the bag and the Pokémon will attack it.

The standard Training Bags come in three sizes: Small (S), Medium (M) or Large (L). Small (S) gives the players selected Pokémon +1 to the base stat of that Training Bag type. M gives the Pokémon +4 base stats and L gives them +12. Other more rarer bags can aid training in other ways and the chart below lists all these Training Bags.

Bag # of Hits Description
Standard Bag Standard Training Bag
HP Bag S
10 Adds +1 base stats to HP
HP Bag M
25 Adds +4 base stats to HP
HP Bag L
50 Adds +12 base stats to HP
Attack Bag S
10 Adds +1 base stats to Attack
Attack Bag M
25 Adds +4 base stats to Attack
Attack Bag L
50 Adds +12 base stats to Attack
Defense Bag S
10 Adds +1 base stats to Defense
Defense Bag M
25 Adds +4 base stats to Defense
Defense Bag L
50 Adds +12 base stats to Defense
Sp. Atk Bag S
10 Adds +1 base stats to Sp. Atk
Sp. Atk Bag M
25 Adds +4 base stats to Sp. Atk
Sp. Atk Bag L
50 Adds +12 base stats to Sp. Atk
Sp. Def Bag S
10 Adds +1 base stats to Sp. Def
Sp. Def Bag M
25 Adds +4 base stats to Sp. Def
Sp. Def Bag L
50 Adds +12 base stats to Sp. Def
Speed Bag S
10 Adds +1 base stats to Speed
Speed Bag M
25 Adds +4 base stats to Speed
Speed Bag L
50 Adds +12 base stats to Speed
Strength Bag
5-10 Successful shots will award more points in the Pokémon's next Super-Training Regimen.
Big Shot Bag
5-10 Makes shots more likely to hit the goals in the Pokémon's next Super-Training Regimen.
Toughen-Up Bag
5-10 Makes Balloon Bots' shots less effective in the Pokémon's next Super-Training Regimen.
Double-Up Bag
5-10 Doubles base-stat increases the next time the Pokémon takes on a Super-Training Regimen.
Swiftness Bag
5-10 Makes the Pokémon quicker the next time the Pokémon takes on a Super-Training Regiemn.
Soothing Bag
250 Makes a Pokémon slightly friendlier toward its Trainer.
Reset Bag
100 Completely resets all of the base stats of a Pokémon
Team Flare Bag
5-10 For some reason, knocking the stuffing out of this Team Flare-themed bag just feels so good.

Super Training Regimens

Super Training Regimens are mini-games that feature giant sized Pokémon balloons. There are six different regimens, ones for each base stat. Players that which to improve a base stat of their Pokémon can select the associated regimen. Players use the Circle pad to move the Pokémon and their own goal in the field and tap the Touch Screen in the area that they wish to shoot their ball. The player can use the Left trigger button to temporarily put up a defense to block incoming balls from the opponent. The object is to score enough points by shooting balls into the opponents goals.


Super Training regimens have 3 different levels of difficulty. Each level of difficulty is unlocked once all of the previous levels 6 different regimens have been completed. Each regiment has a Target Time Remaining to receive a medal. If the player completes the game with more time left than the Target Time on a regiment, they get the medal. Best times are kept for all the players Pokémon that participate in a regiment and the Best Time of any of the players Pokémon is listed in each regiments menu.

Level Pokémon Regiment medal Medal Target Time Points Required to Complete Base Stat +Base Stats
1 Hone Sp. Atk with Magnemite 2:30.0 300 SP. Atk +4
1 Raise Your HP with Wailmer! 2:30.0 500 HP +4
1 Boost Attack with Axew! 2:30.0 300 Attack +4
1 Build Up Sp. Def with Tentacool! 2:30.0 200 SP. Def +4
1 Speed UP with the Noibat Regimen! 2:30.0 200 Speed +4
1 Strengthen Defense with Geodude! 2:30.0 400 Defense +4
2 Home In on Magneton! 2:00.0 1500 SP. Atk +8
2 Hit Relicanth's Weak Points! 2:00.0 2500 HP +8
2 Let Loose to Get Fraxure! 2:00.0 1500 Attack +8
2 Watch Out for Tentacruel's Bitbots! 2:00.0 1000 SP. Def +8
2 Hammer Aerodactyl with High-Speed Shots! 2:00.0 1000 Speed +8
2 Break Down Graveler's Barrier! 2:00.0 1500 Defense +8
3 Shake Off That Uncanny Magnezone! 2:00.0 2500 SP. Atk +12
3 Shoot Back! Get the Giant Wailord! 2:00.0 4000 HP +12
3 Catch 'Em! Haxorus's Furious Attacks! 2:00.0 2500 Attack +12
3 Kick Out! Get the Dragalge Corps! 2:00.0 2000 SP. Def +12
3 Catch It! Noivern's Wild Wind! 2:00.0 2000 Speed +12
3 Break It! Golem's Defensive Line! 2:00.0 2500 Defense +12

Pokémon use different colored balls in the regiments and the balls each have a different effect on the game play. Below is a list of the different colored balls and their effects.

Ball Color Effect Description
Average sized, speed and power ball. Can be shot rapid succession.
Small ball with low power and average speed but can be shot rapidly.
Small but incredibly fast ball with average power.
Very powerful ball but shoot slowly.
Very large ball with average speed but are weak.

Secret Super Training (裏スーパートレーニング)

Secret Super Training (裏スーパートレーニング) is a special unlockable set of mini-games that become available once a Pokémon has received the maximum amount of base stats that can be assigned. There are 12 different Secret Super Training Regimens that can be unlocked, each increases in level of difficulty. Many of the regimens have multiple balloon rounds and players can receive Training Bags and an Item for completing the regiment. Rare items are also given out depending on how well the player performed.

Level Pokémon Regiment Pokémon Balloon Points Required to Complete medal Medal Target Time Rare Item Items
4 The Troubles Keep On Coming?!
1:30.0 None Health Wing Health Wing
Muscle Wing Muscle Wing
Resist Wing Resist Wing
Swift Wing Swift Wing
Genius Wing Genius Wing
Clever Wing Clever Wing
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing
Fresh Water Fresh Water
5 The Leaf Stone Cup Begins!
(一等賞品 リーフのいし!)
Venusaur 4000 1:30.0 Leaf Stone Leaf Stone Stardust Stardust
Hard Stone Hard Stone
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing
Soda Pop Soda Pop
5 The Fire Stone Cup Begins!
(一等賞品 ほのおのいし!)
Charizard 4000 1:30.0 Fire Stone Fire Stone Stardust Stardust
Hard Stone Hard Stone
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing
Soda Pop Soda Pop
5 The Water Stone Cup Begins!
(一等賞品 みずのいし!)
Blastoise 4000 1:30.0 Water Stone Water Stone Stardust Stardust
Hard Stone Hard Stone
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing
Soda Pop Soda Pop
5 Follow Those Fleeing Goals!
Stunfisk 4800 1:30.0 Thunder Stone Thunder Stone Stardust Stardust
Hard Stone Hard Stone
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing
Soda Pop Soda Pop
6 Watch Out! That's One Tricky Second Half!
Aegislash 4800 1:30.0 Dusk StoneDusk Stone Stardust Stardust
Hard Stone Hard Stone
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing
Soda Pop Soda Pop
6 An Opening of Lighting-Quick Attacks!
Roserade 4800 1:30.0 Shiny Stone Shiny Stone Stardust Stardust
Hard Stone Hard Stone
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing
Soda Pop Soda Pop
6 Those Long Shots Are No Long Shot!
Gallade 5600 1:30.0 Dawn Stone Dawn Stone Stardust Stardust
Hard Stone Hard Stone
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing
Soda Pop Soda Pop
7 Scatterbug Lugs Back!
2:00.0 None Health Wing Health Wing
Muscle Wing Muscle Wing
Resist Wing Resist Wing
Swift Wing Swift Wing
Genius Wing Genius Wing
Clever Wing Clever Wing
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing
7 A Barrage of Bitbots!
Probopass 7200 1:30.0 None Health Wing Health Wing
Muscle Wing Muscle Wing
Resist Wing Resist Wing
Swift Wing Swift Wing
Genius Wing Genius Wing
Clever Wing Clever Wing
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing
7 Drag Down Hydreigon!
(サドンデス サザンドラ)
2:00.0 Sun Stone Sun Stone
Moon Stone Moon Stone
Stardust Stardust
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing
Lemonade Lemonade
8 The Battle for the Best: Version X!
Mega Tyranitar
1:30.0 Fire Stone Fire Stone
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone
Thunder Stone Thunder Stone
Water Stone Water Stone
PP Max PP Max
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing
MooMoo Milk MooMoo Milk
8 The Battle for the Best: Version Y!
Mega Aggron
1:30.0 Fire Stone Fire Stone
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone
Thunder Stone Thunder Stone
Water Stone Water Stone
PP Max PP Max
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing
MooMoo Milk MooMoo Milk
8 (ORAS) The Battle for the Best!
Mega Aggron
1:30.0 Fire Stone Fire Stone
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone
Thunder Stone Thunder Stone
Water Stone Water Stone
PP Max PP Max
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing
MooMoo Milk MooMoo Milk

This page has been viewed 17309 times.
Last updated 27 Nov 2014 15:10 by Sunain.
Revision #27
Page Tags: Super Training Base Stats