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Cover Image Japanese (TL): POKENCHI 248 Professor Hyadain's Battle Class is in Session! The Theme is "Daimax"!
Cover Image Japanese: Special 0 みんなの物語 / ココだけマル秘情報解禁
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Special 0 Minna no monogatari / Coco dake maru hi jōhō kaikin
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Special 0 Everyone's Story / Coco Top Secret Information Revealed
Cover Image Japanese: Special 0 6時まで待てない!時を超えたアニメ「ポケットモンスター」
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Special 0 Rokuji made matenai! Toki wo koeta anime "Pocket Monsters"
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Special 0 Can't Wait Till 6pm! "Pocket Monsters": A Timeless Anime
Cover Image English: PM2019 36 Making Battles in the Sand!
Cover Image Japanese: PM2019 36 サトシとゴウ、砂地獄から這い上がれ!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PM2019 36 Satoshi to Go, Sunajigoku kara haiagare!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PM2019 36 Crawl Out of the Sand Tomb, Satoshi and Go!
Cover Image French: PM2019 36 Un combat dans une tempête de sable !
Cover Image Dutch: PM2019 36 Gevechten in het Zand!
Cover Image Korean: PM2019 36 지우와 고우, 모래지옥에서 기어올라라!
Cover Image English (Canadian): PM2019 36 Making Battles in the Sand!
Cover Image Japanese: POKENCHI 249 世界トップレベルの神童ポケだちのすごすぎるバトルテクニックを一挙公開! / そらる×まふまふとポケモンバトル!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): POKENCHI 249 Sekai top level no shindō Pokédachi no sugosugiru battle technique wo ikkyo kōkai! / Soraru × Mafumafu to Pokémon battle!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): POKENCHI 249 We Present Multiple World Class Level Prodigy Pokénds' Beyond Amazing Battle Techniques at Once! / A Pokémon Battle with Soraru x Mafumafu!
Cover Image Japanese: PLANET 7 ポケットモンスター オーロラからのメッセージ
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PLANET 7 Pocket Monsters: Aurora kara no message
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PLANET 7 Pocket Monsters: The Message From the Aurora
Cover Image Japanese: POKENCHI 250 アッコさん(?)がしょこたん、大谷凜香と、ピカチュウへの愛の深さをかけて対決!/ 現役日本チャンピオンVSポケんち1位!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): POKENCHI 250 Akko-san (?) ga Shokotan, Ōtani Rinka to, Pikachu e no ai no fukasa wo kakete taiketsu! / Geneki Nihon champion VS Pokénchi ichii!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): POKENCHI 250 Akko-san (?) Confronts Shokotan and Rinka Otani to Settle the Question of Whose Love for Pikachu is Deeper! / The Current Japanese Champion VS Pokénchi's Best!
Cover Image Japanese: POKENCHI 251 ヨロイじま「ロトムじてんしゃ」ラリーに挑戦! / 川尻蓮がKing Gnu(!?)にJO1としてのリベンジバトルを挑む!