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Cover Image Japanese (TL): SPH 12 Huge Battle at Okido's Residence!
Cover Image Japanese: SPH 13 ポケモン珍プレー「おこっちゃうぞ」/ランキング「もう一度会いたい人ランキング」/ロケット団小物ランキング/リクエスト「コダックの活躍シーン」他
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): SPH 13 Pokémon chin play 'okotchau zo' / Ranking 'mō ichido aitai hito ranking' / Rocket-dan komono ranking / Request 'Koduck no katsuyaku scene' hoka
Cover Image Japanese (TL): SPH 13 Strange Pokémon Plays 'You're Angry' / Ranking 'Ranking the Characters We Would Like to See Again' / The Rocket Gang's Accessory Ranking / Request 'Scenes Where Koduck Played an Active Role', etc.
Cover Image Japanese: SPH 14 ポケモン衝撃映像99連発/思わず笑っちゃうポケモンランキング/ロケット団・つらい思い出ランキング/リクエスト「ロケット団のニャースがどうして話せるのか?」他
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): SPH 14 Pokémon shōgeki eizō 99 renpatsu / Omowazu waratchau Pokémon ranking / Rocket-dan - tsurai omoide ranking / Request 'Rocket-dan no Nyarth ga dōshite hanaseru no ka?' hoka
Cover Image Japanese (TL): SPH 14 99 Continuous Thrilling Pokémon Videos / Ranking of Pokémon That Make Us Laugh / Ranking of the Rocket Gang's Most Painful Memories / Request 'Why Can the Rocket Gang Nyarth Talk?', etc.
Cover Image Japanese: SPH 15 ぼくたちピチューブラザーズ・風船騒動の巻
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): SPH 15 Boku-tachi Pichu Brothers - fūsen sōdō no hen
Cover Image Japanese (TL): SPH 15 We Pichu Brothers - The Balloon Strife Chapter
Cover Image Japanese: SPH 16 ポケモン珍プレー「さむ~」/恋するポケモンランキング/ロケット団・ラブストーリーランキング/リクエスト「サトシとシゲルのライバル物語」他
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): SPH 16 Pokémon chin play 'samu~' / Koisuru Pokémon ranking / Rocket-dan - love story ranking / Request 'Satoshi to Shigeru no rival monogatari' hoka
Cover Image Japanese (TL): SPH 16 Strange Pokémon Plays 'It's so Cold' / Ranking of Pokémon in Love / Ranking of the Rocket Gang's Love Stories / Request 'The Story of Satoshi and Shigeru's Rivalry', etc.
Cover Image Japanese: SPH 17 カメラは見た!ポケモン衝撃映像/頼れるポケモンランキング/ロケット団・登場シーンランキング/リクエスト「プリンはなぜ、ねむった人の顔にらくがきをするのか?」他
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): SPH 17 Camera wa mita! Pokémon shōgeki eizō / Tayoreru Pokémon Ranking / Rocket-dan - tōjō scene ranking / Request 'Purin wa naze, nemutta hito no kao ni rakugaki wo suru no ka?' hoka
Cover Image Japanese (TL): SPH 17 Caught on Camera! Thrilling Pokémon Videos / Ranking of Dependable Pokémon / Ranking the Rocket Gang's Introduction Scenes / Request 'Why Does Purin Draw Graffiti on Sleeping People's Faces?', etc.
Cover Image Japanese: SPH 18 カスミ!ブルーバッジをゲットせよ!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): SPH 18 Kasumi! Blue Badge wo get se yo!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): SPH 18 Kasumi! Get the Blue Badge!!
Cover Image Japanese: SPH 19 出会いのミレニアムタウン / アルバイトはたいへんニャース!?
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): SPH 19 Deai no Millenium Town / Arbeit wa taihen Nyarth!?
Cover Image Japanese (TL): SPH 19 Millenium Town, the City of Encounters / Nyarth's Part-Time Job is Tough!?
Cover Image Japanese: SPH 20 ポケモン珍プレー「キビシイ~」/すてきな先生ランキング/ロケット団・変装ランキング/リクエスト「サトシはどうやって、チコリータをゲットしたのか?」他
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): SPH 20 Pokémon chin play 'kibishii~' / Suteki na sensei ranking / Rocket-dan - hensō ranking / Request 'Satoshi wa dōyatte, Chicorita wo get shita no ka?' hoka
Cover Image Japanese (TL): SPH 20 Strange Pokémon Plays 'Intense' / Ranking of the Greatest Teachers / The Rocket Gang's Disguise Ranking / Request 'How did Satoshi Get Chicorita?', etc.