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Cover Image Norwegian: DP 81 Chimchar tar styringen!
Cover Image Danish: DP 81 Chimchar i brand
Cover Image Korean: DP 81 불꽃숭이! 뜨거운 불꽃 작렬!
Cover Image Portuguese: DP 81 Chim-Chamuscado!
Cover Image Russian: DP 81 Пробуждение Чимчар
Cover Image Japanese: PS 1 ポケモンリバイバル 「みなみのしまだよぜんいんしゅうごう!」
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PS 1 Pokémon Revival 'Minami no shima da yo zenin shūgō!'
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PS 1 Pokémon Revival 'It's the Southern Islands, Everyone Gathers!'
Cover Image Japanese: PS 2 総力特集 「ゲーム・ポケットモンスターエメラルド情報」
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PS 2 Sōryoku tokushū 'Game - Pocket Monsters Emerald jōhō'
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PS 2 Special Feature 'Information on the Pocket Monsters Emerald Game'
Cover Image Japanese: PS 3 ポケモンリサーチ!(1) 「本当の“中華まん”を知りたい!」
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PS 3 Pokémon Research! (1) 'Hontō no 'Chūkaman' wo shiritai!'
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PS 3 Pokémon Research! (1) 'I Want to Know What Real 'Chukaman' is!'
Cover Image Japanese: PS 4 ポケモンリサーチ!(2) 「動物の中で 一番臭いウンチをするのは?」
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PS 4 Pokémon Research! (2) 'Dōbutsu no naka de ichiban kusai unchi wo suru no wa?'
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PS 4 Pokémon Research! (2) 'Which Animal has the Smelliest Poop?'
Cover Image Japanese: PS 5 ポケモンリバイバル 「うずまきカップ!みずのコロシアムでだいバトル!!」
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PS 5 Pokémon Revival 'Uzumaki Cup! Mizu no colosseum de dai battle!!'
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PS 5 Pokémon Revival 'Whirlpool Cup! The Big Battle at the Water Colosseum!!'
Cover Image Japanese: PS 6 ポケモンリサーチ!(3) 「商店街でカレンダーを作りたい!」
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PS 6 Pokémon Research! (3) 'Shōtengai de calendar wo tsukuritai!'
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PS 6 Pokémon Research! (3) 'I Want to Make a Calendar for the Shopping District!'
Cover Image Japanese: PS 7 ポケモンリバイバル 「サトシVSカスミ!うずまきカップさいごのたたかい!!」
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PS 7 Pokémon Revival 'Satoshi VS Kasumi! Uzumaki Cup saigo no tatakai!!'