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Cover Image Polish: BW 21 Zaginiony świat Gothitelle!
Cover Image Dutch: BW 21 De verloren wereld van Gothitelle!
Cover Image Portuguese (Brazil): BW 21 O Mundo perdido de Gothielle!
Cover Image Norwegian: BW 21 Gothitelles tapte verden!
Cover Image Danish: BW 21 Gothitelles fortabte verden!
Cover Image Korean: BW 21 고디모아젤! 추억은 깊은 안개 속으로!
Cover Image Portuguese: BW 21 O Mundo Perdido da Gothitelle!
Cover Image Russian: BW 21 Затерянный мир Гофитель!
Cover Image Japanese: Smash 20 トゲピーはだれのもの!? / 「ポケモンクイズキャラバン」でサッカーチームのところへ所長と博士が出動! / 映画「ビクティニと黒き英雄 ゼクロム」の最新情報!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Smash 20 Togepi wa dare no mono!? / 'Pokémon Quiz Caravan' de soccer team no tokoro e shochō to hakase ga shutsudō! / Eiga 'Victini to kuroki eiyū - Zekrom' no saishin jōhō!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Smash 20 Whose is Togepi!? / The Chief and Professor Head to the Soccer Team's Arena in the 'Pokémon Quiz Caravan' / The Latest News on the Movie 'Victini and the Dark Hero - Zekrom'!
Cover Image Japanese: Smash 21 シャンとしてリーシャン! / ゲームフリークの森本さん(ゲームデザイナー)をお迎えしてバトルの集中特訓!/森本さんと山本隊員がバトル!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Smash 21 Shanto shite Lisyan! / Game Freak no Morimoto-san (game designer) wo omukaeshite battle no shūchū tokkun! / Morimoto-san to Yamamoto-taiin ga battle!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Smash 21 Pull Yourself Together, Lisyan! / Game Designer Morimoto from Game Freak Invited to a Training Gathering! / A battle between Morimoto and Group Member Yamamoto!
Cover Image Japanese: BW 23 ロケット団VSプラズマ団!(前編)
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): BW 23 Rocket-dan VS Plasma-dan! (zenpen)
Cover Image Japanese (TL): BW 23 The Rocket Gang VS the Plasma Gang! (Part 1)
Cover Image Japanese: BW 24 ロケット団VSプラズマ団!(後編)
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): BW 24 Rocket-dan VS Plasma-dan! (kōhen)
Cover Image Japanese (TL): BW 24 The Rocket Gang VS the Plasma Gang! (Part 2)
Cover Image Japanese: Smash 22 パッチールがいっぱい! 幸せさがして山の彼方に!? / 秋山隊員が「ポケモン漬け生活BW」完全版をDVD化するため署名運動 / SKE48がポケモンバトルに登場! / 映画最新映像!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Smash 22 Patcheel ga ippai! Shiawase sagashite yama no kanata ni!? / Akiyama-taiin ga 'Pokémonzuke seikatsu BW' kanzenban wo DVD kasuru tame shomeiundō / SKE48 ga Pokémon battle ni tōjō! / Eiga saishin eizō!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Smash 22 Lots of Patcheel! Searching for Happiness on the Other Side of the Mountain!? / A Signature Campaign to Release the Complete Version of Group Member Akiyama's 'Immersed in Pokémon Life' on DVD / SKE48 Participates in a Pokémon Battle! / The Latest Clips from the Movie!
Cover Image Japanese: Smash 23 オーキド研究所! 全員集合!! / ハンサム山本がメテオナイトをゲットするために出動、ビッグプロジェクト情報も / ポケモンBWのニューヨークでの最新映像
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Smash 23 Okido kenkyūjo! Zenin shūgō!! / Handsome Yamamoto ga meteonite wo get suru tame ni shutsudō, big project jōhō mo / Pokémon BW no New York de no saishin eizō