Home / Episode Guide / リコ&ニャオハがポケどこに登場 / みんなでキュートなお耳を付けてニャオハみたいにひっかいたり、このはに挑戦っ!? / ぱーてぃーちゃんのニャオハネタ/Liko and Nyahoja are Visiting Pokédoko / Everybody Puts on Cute Ears and Attempts to Scratch and Use Leafage Like Nyahoja Does?! / A Nyahoja Skit from Partychan

Japanese Summary:


「ポケモンかくれんぼ」 画面に映し出されたポケモンの中からニャオハを探せ♪♪ テレビの前のみんなもチャレンジしてね

Japanese Summary Translation:

Liko and Nyahoja, stars of the Pokémon anime, are visiting Pokédoko! Everybody puts on cute ears and attempts to scratch and use Leafage like Nyahoja does?! We also get a Nyahoja skit from Partychan

Pokémon Hide and Seek: Look for Nyahoja among the Pokémon you see on the screen! You viewers give it a try as well!