Home / Episode Guide / ポケモンデーで一体何が!?世界が驚愕の内容に世界的グローバルボーイズグループZEROBASEONEも踊り、盛り上がる!!? / リコやロイの旅のようにポケモン愛に溢れた松丸くん、ひかるちゃん、あばれる君が導かれ、辿り着いた先とは。。/Even the Global Boys Group ZEROBASEONE Dances and Creates Excitement at the Global Astonishment From What Just Got Revealed on Pokémon Day?!! / Major Pokémon Fans Matsumaru-kun, Hikaru-chan and Abareru-kun get Shown the Way in the Same Manner as Liko and Roy Were on Their Journey! Where do They End Up...?
Main Image
Titles and Airdates


  • Japan ポケモンデーで一体何が!?世界が驚愕の内容に世界的グローバルボーイズグループZEROBASEONEも踊り、盛り上がる!!? / リコやロイの旅のようにポケモン愛に溢れた松丸くん、ひかるちゃん、あばれる君が導かれ、辿り着いた先とは。。
  • Japan Pokémon Day de ittai nani ga!? Sekai ga kyōgaku no naiyō ni sekai-teki global boys group ZEROBASEONE mo odori, moriagaru!!? / Liko ya Roy no tabi no yō ni Pokémon ai ni afureta Matsumaru-kun, Hikaru-chan, Abareru-kun ga michibikare, tadoritsuita saki to wa..
  • Japan Even the Global Boys Group ZEROBASEONE Dances and Creates Excitement at the Global Astonishment From What Just Got Revealed on Pokémon Day?!! / Major Pokémon Fans Matsumaru-kun, Hikaru-chan and Abareru-kun get Shown the Way in the Same Manner as Liko and Roy Were on Their Journey! Where do They End Up...?


OP/ED List

Episode Actors Regions

Japanese Summary:


リコやロイの旅のようにポケモン愛に溢れた 松丸くん、ひかるちゃん、あばれる君が導かれ、辿り着いた先とは。。

Japanese Summary Translation:

This episode of Pokédoko will be jam-packed with major news that will make you want to scream out loud!! Even the global boys group Zerobaseone dances and creates excitement at the global astonishment from what just got revealed?!! You'll regret not watching this!!

Major Pokémon fans Matsumaru-kun, Hikaru-chan and Abareru-kun get shown the way in the same manner as Liko and Roy were on their journey! Where do they end up...?


Character Thumbnail
  • Japan あばれる君
  • Japan Abareru-kun
  • Japan Abareru-kun
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 松丸亮吾
  • Japan Ryogo Matsumaru
  • Japan Ryogo Matsumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 髙橋ひかる
  • Japan Hikaru Takahashi
  • Japan Hikaru Takahashi
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan ナビゲーター コッカー
  • Japan Navigator Koccar
  • Japan Navigator Koccar
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Friede's Pikachu (Cap)
  • Japan フリードのピカチュウ (キャプテンピカチュウ)
  • Japan Friede no Pikachu (Captain Pikachu)
  • Japan Friede's Pikachu (Captain Pikachu)


image image

The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account teased that ZEROBASEONE would be on PokéDoko with a picture with Abareru-kun and Ryogo Matsumaru on February 8th, 2025. Then on February 22nd, 2025, they announced that they'd be on the show.

Certain shocking guests will appear on PokéDoko?! It's someone connected to the Pokémon anime...!
ポケどこにびっくりなゲストが登場!? アニポケ に関わるあの人たちです…!

The PokéDoko episode airing Sunday March 2nd, 2025 will feature ZEROBASEONE, who sing the Pokémon anime opening theme! Look forward to this episode! The preview for it will be shown on the PokéDoko episode airing Sunday, February 23rd, 2025!
3月2日(日)放送のポケどこにはアニポケ オープニングテーマを歌うZEROBASEONE(@ZB1_jp)が登場



The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account reminded viewers about the airing of this episode on March 1st, 2025.

The Pokédoko episode airing tomorrow, Sunday March 2nd, 2025 will feature an appearance by Zerobaseone, who sing the Pokémon anime opening theme! Make absolutely sure to check it out, okay?

明日3月2日(日)放送のポケどこにアニポケ オープニングテーマを歌うZEROBASEONE(@ZB1_jp)が登場!



The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a video on March 1st, 2025 indicating there would be a major announcement on the show.

The Pokédoko episode airing tomorrow, Sunday, March 2nd, 2025 will feature a certain major announcement! Make sure to check it out!

All: Pokéssu, everyone!
Matsumaru: I'm Ryogo Matsumaru.
Hikaru: I'm Hikaru Takahashi.
Abareru-kun: And I'm Abareru-kun.
Matsumaru: Abareru-kun, we're going to make an amazing announcement on the Pokédoko episode airing tomorrow, March 2nd.
Abareru-kun: What?! Tell me what it is!
Hikaru: Well... maybe we should whisper it to him?
Matsumaru: Whisper whisper
Abareru-kun: What?!
Matsumaru: Well?
Hikaru: Were you surprised?
Abareru-kun: I'm ureseadra!
Matsumaru/Hikaru: Whoa!
All: Everyone, check out the Pokédoko episode airing tomorrow, March 2nd, 2025!



The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a video on March 2nd, 2025 after the episode aired to announce the show would be changing to a 1 hour format starting on April 6th, 2025.

Starting this April, the Pokédoko episode length will be extended to a full hour! Keep looking forward to the powered-up Pokédoko as well!

4月からポケどこ の放送時間が1時間に拡大されます

All: Pokéssu, everyone!
Matsumaru: I'm Ryogo Matsumaru.
Hikaru: I'm Hikaru Takahashi.
Abareru-kun: And I'm Abareru-kun!
Hikaru: Wow.
Matsumaru: Believe it or not, this April...
Hikaru: ...Pokemon to Doko Iku? is...
Abareru-kun: ...getting expanded to a full hour!
Matsumaru/Hikaru: Yay!
Matsumaru: The show will now start at 7:30am!
Abareru-kun: All right!
Matsumaru: This is too exciting!
Hikaru: Starting this April, Pokemon to Doko Iku? will air on the TV Tokyo Network every Sunday at 7:30am.
Matsumaru: Everyone, please enjoy the powered-up Pokédoko as well!
All: Enjoy!



The official Japanese Pokémon Twitter account posted the announcement that Pokédoko would be expanding to a 1-hour show starting on April 6th, 2025.

TV Tokyo's "Where are We Going with Pokémon?!" will be broadcast every Sunday at 7:30am starting April 6th, 2025, and will be a beefed-up one-hour program!
Matsumaru-kun, Hikaru-chan, and Abareru-kun will be bringing you even more fun, packed with Pokémon information, so don't miss it!




Ryogo Matsumaru posted the announcement that Pokédoko would be expanding to a 1-hour show starting on April 6th, 2025.

[Important Announcement] Please Share!
Another childhood dream has come true.
The TV show "Where are We Going with Pokémon?!", which I have been working hard on as an MC for the past three years...
Will be expanded from 30 minutes to one hour starting in April!!
Thanks to everyone who has supported PokéDoko!
This is the first time in over 10 years that a Pokémon variety show will have a 1-hour broadcast time slot.
I will continue to do my best with my buddies Abareru-kun, Hikaru-chan, and Koccar!!

【超重大告知】 拡散希望
#ポケどこ を応援してくれたみんなのおかげです!



The official Japanese Pokémon Twitter account posted a reminder on March 2nd, 2025 that this episode was available to watch on the official Japanese YouTube channel. The video was region locked. It was available from March 2nd, 2025 to March 9th, 2025. This episode was specifically labeled as a missed-program webcast (見逃し配信).

"Where are We Going with Pokémon?!" is currently being streamed on the official Pokémon YouTube channel!
ZEROBASEONE, the group that sings the opening theme to the Pokémon anime was on the show!
Be sure to check out the latest information on the games announced on Pokémon Day which was Thursday, February 27th, 2025!
They also had a report from Pokéssu Plaza in Fukuoka!


Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:


Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
01 Mar 2025 10:03 AM
Adamant Administrator
Joined: 12 Jul 2007
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This episode of Pokédoko will be jam-packed with major news that will make you want to scream out loud!! Even the global boys group Zerobaseone dances and creates excitement at the global astonishment from what just got revealed?!! You'll regret not watching this!!

Major Pokémon fans Matsumaru-kun, Hikaru-chan and Abareru-kun get shown the way in the same manner as Liko and Roy were on their journey! Where do they end up...?

Ryogo Matsumaru
Hikaru Takahashi
Shuhei Nakano from Kaerutei (voice of Koccar)
Guests: Zerobaseone and JP