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GNS 9:眠くなると手が温かくなるのはなぜ?/Why do your hands get warm when you get sleepy...
Last Post: 26 Jul 2024 06:54 PM by AnimeBot
Posts: 2 Views: 19
PM2023 59:おどれクワッス!碧きチャンプルステップ!!/Dance, Kuwassu! Dance the Blue Chanpur...
Last Post: 18 Jul 2024 11:14 AM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 447
GNS 8:夏はお風呂に入るべき?/Should I take a bath in the summer?
Last Post: 16 Jul 2024 04:57 PM by AnimeBot
Posts: 2 Views: 124
PM2023 63:氷の戦い!冷たい瞳のグルーシャ/An Ice Battle! Cold-Eyed Grusha
Last Post: 11 Jul 2024 05:40 AM by AnimeBot
Posts: 2 Views: 165
PM2023 62:ホゲータとぼくの歌/Me and Hogator's Song
Last Post: 11 Jul 2024 05:38 AM by AnimeBot
Posts: 2 Views: 177
PM2023 61:響け魂!ライムへの挑戦/Resound, My Soul! Challenging Lime
Last Post: 11 Jul 2024 05:36 AM by AnimeBot
Posts: 2 Views: 150
PM2023 60:はじめての雪!ホッホッゲー!!/Seeing Snow for the First Time! Ho-Hoga!!
Last Post: 11 Jul 2024 05:34 AM by AnimeBot
Posts: 2 Views: 163
GNS 7:寝るときの室温と湿度/Room Temperature and Humidity when Sleeping
Last Post: 10 Jul 2024 12:59 PM by AnimeBot
Posts: 2 Views: 121
PM2023 58:看板ポケモンはドドゲザン!?/The Mascot Pokémon is Dodogezan?!
Last Post: 04 Jul 2024 11:10 AM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 490
GNS 6:疲れているのに寝られない/I'm tired but I can't Sleep
Last Post: 01 Jul 2024 09:02 AM by AnimeBot
Posts: 2 Views: 174
PM2023 57:わたしの知らないテラパゴス/A Terapagos I Don't Know
Last Post: 27 Jun 2024 11:17 AM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 622
GNS 5:睡眠不足だと甘いものが欲しくなる?/Does a lack of sleep make you crave sweets?
Last Post: 23 Jun 2024 05:25 PM by AnimeBot
Posts: 2 Views: 192
PM2023 56:リコVSチリ!バトルの先に/Liko VS Chili! At the End of the Battle
Last Post: 20 Jun 2024 11:15 AM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 543
GNS 4:カフェインに気をつけて/Be Careful with Caffeine
Last Post: 17 Jun 2024 08:33 AM by AnimeBot
Posts: 2 Views: 242
PM2023 55:対決!パルデア四天王/Showdown! The Paldea Elite Four
Last Post: 13 Jun 2024 12:00 PM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 476
GNS 3:寝る子は育つ?/Does Sleeping Help Children Grow up Well?
Last Post: 09 Jun 2024 03:12 PM by AnimeBot
Posts: 2 Views: 256
GNS 2:ねむりと明かりの関係/The Relationship Between Sleeping and Light
Last Post: 09 Jun 2024 02:50 PM by AnimeBot
Posts: 2 Views: 229
GNS 1:昼寝のすすめ/Napping Recommendations
Last Post: 09 Jun 2024 01:56 PM by AnimeBot
Posts: 2 Views: 257
PM2023 54:永遠のめぐみ/The Eternal Blessing
Last Post: 07 Jun 2024 07:37 AM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 596
PM2023 53:ミブリムとこの世ならざるもの/Mibrim and the Unworldly
Last Post: 30 May 2024 11:31 AM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 894
PM2023 52:カイデン、強風注意報!/Storm Warning for Kaiden!
Last Post: 23 May 2024 11:24 AM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 682
PM2023 51:トゲトゲニャローテ!?不思議な花ばしら/A Prickly Nyarote?! The Mysterious Flowe...
Last Post: 16 May 2024 12:10 PM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 808
PM2023 50:映えろテラスタル!ダンス・ダンス・クワッス!!/Terastallize for Social Media! Dance...
Last Post: 13 May 2024 11:35 AM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 651
PM2023 49:ドットとぐるみん/Dot and Gurumin
Last Post: 02 May 2024 11:26 AM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 668
PM2023 48:輝け!炎とアートのきらめき/Shine! The Glimmer of Fire and Art
Last Post: 25 Apr 2024 11:23 AM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 677
PM2023 47:リコとニャローテ、心をこめて/Liko and Nyarote, Put All Your Heart Into It
Last Post: 11 Apr 2024 11:34 AM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 823
Special 134:Newsポケモンサテライト/News Pokémon Satellite
Last Post: 05 Apr 2024 07:18 PM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 755
PM2023 46:ドキドキ!オレンジアカデミー/How Thrilling! Orange Academy
Last Post: 04 Apr 2024 11:30 AM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 742
PM2023 45:はるか、遠くまで/To a Place Far Far Away
Last Post: 21 Mar 2024 11:12 AM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 1139
PM2023 44:レックウザ捕獲計画/The Plan for Capturing Rayquaza
Last Post: 14 Mar 2024 11:45 AM by Adamant
Posts: 3 Views: 836