Title: Re: PokéDoko 138:ハンバーグ師匠VSポケどこボルテッカーズ!! / 世代を超えて楽しめるポケカ「スター...
The Pokédoko Volt Tacklers have come to Aichi in search of the keys that have been scattered all over Japan! When they arrive at the hideout(?), they find Abathio's companion Master Hamburg (Jun Itoda) waiting for them!
The pair of child actress Shiroyama & Matsumaru battle the Banka & Abareru-kun pair using the Pokémon Card Starter Deck Generations, which transcend generations!!
The keys to winning are energy and luck?
Even Shinya Owada gets excited over this card game that complete beginners can enjoy as well!
You viewers give it a go with your families too!
Ryogo Matsumaru
Hikaru Takahashi
Shuhei Nakano from Kaerutei (voice of Koccar)
Guests: Jun Itoda, Minori Suzuki, Yuka Asai, Maya Sugawara (from SKE48), Hayato Komori (from GENERATIONS), Shinya Owada, Yuka Kageyama, Rainbow, Tenta Banka and Noa Shiroyama