Title: Re: PokéDoko 139:ロングコートダディと!赤緑限定SVバトル!! / ポケもぐ!は4種類のかわいいピザ作り...
Master Ball Tier experts Long Coat Daddy and Battle Club member Matsumaru face off in a special restricted battle with a Christmas theme as aspiring club members from &TEAM watch! We'll also get an Explosion of Pokémon love in the Pokémogu segment!
In the Pokémogu segment we'll be making 4 kinds of cute pizzas!
They're Good for both Christmas and parties!
You viewers try out these recipes as well!
Ryogo Matsumaru
Hikaru Takahashi
Shuhei Nakano from Kaerutei (voice of Koccar)
Guests: Long Coat Daddy, &TEAM (EJ and TAKI) and Yuka Kageyama