Title: NHK Symphony Orchestra Pokémon Mini Concerts in Miyakonojō, ...
NHK Symphony Orchestra Pokémon Mini Concerts in Miyakonojō, Miyazaki Prefecture (N響 ポケモンミニコンサート in 宮崎県都城市) will take place on Sunday, January 26th, 2025. The performance will be streamed live on the official Pokémon Kids TV YouTube channel.
Miyazaki's Favorite Pokémon Nassy and Pikachu will be there as well as orchestra members: Kai Masayuki (甲斐雅之) on Flute, Tsuboike Izumi (坪池泉美) on Oboe, Takashi Yamane (山根孝司) on Clarinet, Ugajin Hironori (宇賀神広宣) on Bassoon and
Imai Hitoshi (今井仁志) on Horn.
Sunday, January 26th, 2025 at 11:00 and 15:30
Venues: Miyakonojō Library (都城市立図書館) & Miyakonojō Musica Hall (都城市ウェルネス交流プラザ ムジカホール)
Capacity: Approximately 200 people for each performance (Free admission, Reserved seating via advanced lottery)