Title: Pokémon Masters EX - Misty Swimsuit & Psyduck Special Sync P...
The Special Sync Pair Event: Misty & Psyduck has returned to Pokémon Masters EX! You can complete the event to team up with Misty (Swimsuit) & Psyduck! You can also obtain items needed to raise their move level from this event’s item exchange!
Special Sync Pair Event Misty & Psyduck
Watch the event’s story and team up with Misty (Swimsuit) & Psyduck! Special Sync Pair Event Misty & Psyduck Is Back! You can team up with Misty (Swimsuit) & Psyduck in this event. In the Exchange Items menu for this event, you can exchange rewards to raise the potential and move level of Misty (Swimsuit) & Psyduck.
December 20, 2024 at 10:00 p.m. - January 2, 2025 at 9:59 p.m.
You can exchange the vouchers you earn during the event for items in the Exchange Items menu for this event. The rewards include Misty (Swimsuit) & Psyduck’s Custom ★ Power-Ups, Misty (Swimsuit) & Psyduck’s Sync Orbs, and more! If you no longer need to raise the potential for Misty (Swimsuit) & Psyduck, you can exchange Misty (Swimsuit) & Psyduck’s Custom ★ Power-Ups for 4★ Power-Ups.
- To participate, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
- The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those you can actually obtain.
- To upgrade to 6★ EX, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
- To unlock the sync grid, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
- When the exchange period ends, the following items obtained in this event will be converted into coins (10 coins each) and sent to your Present Box.
Applicable Items:
- The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.