Title: Pokémon Card Game Scarlet & Violet Expansion Pack Battle Par...
The Pokémon Card Game Scarlet & Violet Expansion Pack Battle Partners set was first announced at the end of the Pokémon Card CL 2025 Osaka Day 1 competition held on December 21st, 2024 and it was
broadcast live on the official Pokémon Card Channel YouTube channel. The details were then revealed on the offical card game website on December 22nd, 2024. The set mainly revolves around 4 Trainers:
Hop and
Nanjamo. The set will be released in Japan on January 24th, 2025.
Trainer's Pokémon are here!
Trainers who have been active in various regions are now appearing in the Pokémon Card Game with their partner Pokémon!
The strong bond between Pokémon and trainer will unleash their power! The expansion pack Battle Partners includes
Hop and
Trainer's Pokémon can evolve by stacking them on Pokémon with the same Trainer's name! N's Hihidaruma can evolve by stacking them on N's Darumakka, but be careful because you can't evolve from a standard Darumakka!
Collect Trainer Pokémon and create your own deck! You can create a powerful deck by collecting Trainer Pokémon cards and building a deck! Be sure to make your own deck!
Trainers' Pokémon
N's Zoroark ex - The Ability
Trade allows you to discard one card from your hand and draw two cards from your deck! The move
Night Joker allows you to choose one attack from one of N's Pokémon on your bench and use it as its attack! It's a versatile Pokémon ex card that can use moves that suit the situation by putting various N Pokémon cards in your deck!
N's Reshiram - The attack
Power Rage can deal 20 damage for each damage counter on this Pokémon!
N's Symboler - When you use the move
Victory Sigil and you have only one Prize card left, you win the match!
N's Hihidaruma - The move
Backdraft can deal 30 damage for Energy card in your opponent's discard pile.
The attack
Blaze Ball Cannon deals 90 damage, but all Energy attached to this Pokémon must be discarded. It also deals 90 damage to one of your opponent's benched Pokémon!
N's PP Up - Attach 1 Basic Energy from your discard pile to 1 of your Benched N's Pokémon. This item works very well with N's Pokémon.
Lilie's Pippi ex - The Ability
Fairy Zone makes all of your opponent's Dragon Pokémon weak to Psychic types as long as this Pokémon is on the battlefield! It's an Ability that gives you an advantage over Dragon Pokémon! The attack
Full Moon Rondo can deal 20 more damage for each of Benched Pokémon battlefield!
Lilie's Cuwawa - The move
Flower Call lets you choose as many of Lilie Pokémon as you want from your deck and put them on the bench! It's possible to increase the number of your benched Pokémon right from the start of the match!
Lilie's Pearl - When the Lilie's Pokémon that this card is attached to is Knocked Out by damage from an attack from your opponent's Pokémon, that player takes 1 fewer Prize card. It's a Pokémon item that works extremely well with Lilie's Pokémon!
Nanjamo's Harabarie ex - The Ability
Electric Streamer allows you to attach basic Lightning Energy from your hand to 1 of Nanjamo's Pokémon as many times as you want during your turn! By using Nanjamo's Harabarie ex Ability on itself, it can use the move
Thunderous Bolt very quickly! Being a Pokémon ex is the key to making Nanjamo's Pokémon shine!
Nanjamo's Taikaiden - The Ability
Flash Draw allows you to discard one basic Lightning Energy attached to this Pokémon, allowing you to draw cards from your deck until you have six cards in your hand.
AR / SAR / Supporter
Hakkō City - Once per turn, each player can choose up to two Basic Lightning Energy cards from their Discard pile and add them to their hand. This Stadium card works well with decks centered around Lightning-type Pokémon!
N's Reshiram -
Powerful Rage does 20 damage for each damage counter on this Pokémon.
Virtuous Flame deals 170 damage.
Nanjamo's Harabarie ex - Alternate card art version.
Collection File Set N / Collection File Set Lilie
The N and Lilie Collection File sets will be released on Friday, January 24th, 2025, at the same day as the expansion pack Battle Partners for 2,420 yen each! Enjoy your collection files with Battle Partners cards!
The Collection File Set N includes a card file featuring N and his partner Pokémon, as well as six Battle Partners booster packs, a coin featuring N, and the N's Zorua promo card, making this a set that's packed with the N's charm and his partner Pokémon!
The Collection File Set Lilie includes a card file featuring Lilie and her partner Pokémon, as well as six Battle Partners booster packs, a coin featuring Lilie, and a Lilie's Cuwawa promo card, making this a set that's packed with the Lilie's charm and her partner Pokémon!
https://www.pokemon-card.com/info/004754.html and
Last edited 22 Dec 2024 08:55 AM by