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18 Mar 2025 03:26 PM
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Attention Trainers! Pokémon UNITE version was released on March 19th, 2025. Details of this patch have been added to our Pokémon UNITE patch page.

Assault Break Part 2 - Ver. Patch Notes

Update Date/Time: 2025-03-19 at 07:00
Post-Update Version: Ver.

Update Details
  • New held items—Accel Bracer and Drive Lens—will be available in the shop starting 2025-04-03.
  • Shop Updates
  • Event Updates

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Balance Updates Changes have been made to Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

Bounce - Shield: 30% increase
Unite Move: Dragon Current
Movement speed increase: 30%/45%/65% → 45%/55%/65%

Bounce often left Gyarados vulnerable while charging, making it difficult to execute effectively without catching opponents off guard. To improve its survivability in such situations, the shield amount has been increased. Additionally, Dragon Current frequently failed to hit due to opponents escaping during the charge phase. To address this, its movement speed while charging has been increased, making it easier to close the gap and land the attack.

Stats - Defense Penetration: Added 0 → 60 (Lv.1–15)
Razor Leaf - Damage while returning: 10% increase
Leaf Blade - Movement speed reduction effect: 30% → 40%

To further emphasize the Speedster role, Leafeon has gained the ability to ignore a portion of the opponent’s Defense. Both move sets had a low win rate, so Razor Leaf's damage has been increased for better damage output, and Leaf Blade’s movement speed reduction effect has been buffed to make it easier to follow up with Solar Blade.

Stats - Basic attack speed: 0-7.7% increase (Lv.1-15)
Wild Charge - Cooldown: 9s → 8s

Both of Zeraora’s move sets had low win rates, so its attack speed has been increased to make normal attacks smoother after Spark and to allow for higher damage output after Volt Switch. Wild Charge was difficult to use due to its high risk when missed, so its cooldown has been reduced.

Note: Zeraora already had Defense Penetration (0 → 80, Lv.1–15), and no changes have been made in this update.

Stats - Defense: 35-175 → 35-240 (Lv.1–15). Special Defense: 27-135 → 27-200 (Lv.1–15)
Volt Tackle - Movement speed increase after landing: 30% for 2s → 60%, decreases by 10% every 0.5s (minimum 30%)

Compared to other Attackers, Pikachu had lower durability, so its Defense and Special Defense have been buffed. Volt Tackle's movement speed boost has been buffed to allow safer 1v1 engagements.

Sweet Kiss - Shield amount when attached to an ally: 20% increase
Sweet Kiss+ - Movement speed increase: 30% → 40%

Sweet Kiss had a low win rate and usage rate, so its shield effect and movement speed increase have been buffed to enhance Comfey’s support capabilities.

Stats - HP: 3000-5152 → 3000-5420 (Lv.1–15)
Water Shuriken - Healing: 25% decrease
Double Team - Copy damage: 8% increase

Greninja had a lower durability than other Attackers, so its HP has been increased to align with the general durability level of other Attackers. Water Shuriken’s healing was strong, allowing Greninja to sustain through fights too easily, so the healing amount has been reduced. In exchange, Double Team’s copy damage has been increased to make Greninja’s evasive playstyle more effective.

Whirlpool - Cooldown: 6.5s → 7.5s
Ice Beam - Move recovery cooldown: 5s → 6s

The hindrance effects of Whirlpool and Ice Beam were too strong, allowing Suicune to frequently freeze opponents and disrupt battles. To reduce the frequency of these effects, the cooldowns of both moves have been increased.

Wide Guard - Shield: 15% decrease

Wide Guard’s shield value was too high, allowing it to negate damage from most attacks. The shield amount has been reduced to make it more important to time and position Wide Guard effectively.

Surf - Cooldown: 6s → 7s
Bubble Beam - Cooldown: 6s → 6.5s

Psyduck’s hindrance abilities were too strong, so the cooldowns of Surf and Bubble Beam have been increased to reduce consecutive hindrance effects in battle.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where Miraidon’s Parabolic Charge caused the cooldown timers of Charge Beam and Electro Drift to display incorrectly, despite being reset.

Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/17358/assault-break-part-2-ver-1-18-1-4-patch-notes