Battle for the excitement, for the challenge...and for the victory! In the Pokémon Trading Card Game: HS—Triumphant expansion, you'll find what you need to put triumph within your reach. Dialga and Palkia combine as an incredible Pokémon LEGEND. Machamp, Gengar, and a half-dozen other powerful Pokémon appear for the first time as Pokémon Prime Cards. New Trainer, Supporter, and Stadium cards-plus a new Special Energy card-give you new strategies and deck ideas. The only thing missing is a Trainer who battles to win...and that's you!
With more than 100 cards, the brand-new Pokémon TCG: HS—Triumphant expansion is perfect for beginner and intermediate Pokémon TCG players of all ages! Packaged with a holographic treatment, two theme decks—each including one guaranteed foil card—is in stores now!
Features of the new Pokémon TCG: HS—Triumphant expansion:
* Legendary Pokémon come back in pairs as LEGEND cards—Dialga & Palkia and Darkrai & Cresselia!
* Amazing new Pokémon Prime cards that include Celebi, Machamp, and Gengar!
* New theme decks, Verdant Frost and Royal Guard that let players send shivers down their opponents' spines while unleashing devastating attacks with incredibly powerful Pokémon!
Last edited 17 Nov 2010 06:31 PM by