Title: Pokémon Kicks off Its McDonald’s Happy Meal Promotion in Nor...
McDonald’s announced on May 25th, 2011 that exclusive figures and one of 12 Pokémon Trading Card Game cards would be included in each McDonald’s Happy Meal Box starting on June 17th, 2011 until supplies last.
Press Release
BELLEVUE, Wash. May 25, 2011 09:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time--Pokémon™ Black•White-themed Happy Meals arrive in participating McDonald’s® stores across North America beginning June 17, 2011, as one of the world’s most popular entertainment properties launches its Happy Meal promotion with the leading foodservice provider. Pokémon fans visiting North American McDonald’s locations June 17–July 7 can purchase a Happy Meal featuring one of eight McDonald’s exclusive Pokémon figures, including Pikachu and brand-new Pokémon Reshiram, Zekrom, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Zorua, and Zoroark, as well as one of twelve Pokémon Trading Card Game cards, to celebrate what has already been a blockbuster year for the franchise. The Pokémon Company International continues its McDonald’s Black•White Happy Meal promotion in major markets around the world later in 2011 and 2012.
“We’re excited that our fans can visit McDonald’s, purchase a Happy Meal, and enjoy something special from Pokémon.”
“The Pokémon franchise is having an incredible year, and partnering with McDonald’s is definitely one of our highlights,” said J.C. Smith, director of Consumer Marketing for The Pokémon Company International. “We’re excited that our fans can visit McDonald’s, purchase a Happy Meal, and enjoy something special from Pokémon.”
The Pokémon Black•White Happy Meal promotion will be supported by McDonald’s through a fully integrated marketing campaign that includes television advertising, in-store POP, and online activities at McWorld.com and HappyMeal.com.
The Pokémon franchise continues to be one of the most enduring entertainment brands in the world. The release of the Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version video games for the Nintendo DS™ family of systems have shattered sales records with more than 11.5 million copies sold since their release in Japan last September and in the United States and Europe this March (Nintendo, March 2011). The all-new Pokémon Trading Card Game: Black & White expansion launched in April, adding to the more than 15 billion Pokémon TCG cards produced worldwide. A new season of Pokémon animation on Cartoon Network, Pokémon: Black & White, and a new feature length film, Pokémon—Zoroark: Master of Illusions, have also been released this year.
Last edited 02 Dec 2024 12:13 PM by